
Pruritus related symptoms

For some of the symptoms, we need to understand, so through these symptoms can make us early to know the disease, to avoid further deterioration of the disease, the patient is very helpful. Early to know that the disease means that patients get enough time to treat, which will make the treatment effect is great. Here is the introduction of the symptoms of pruritus.
According to the scope of itching, the disease is divided into systemic or limited.
1. systemic pruritus (pruritus universalis) patients all over the body are itchy feeling, but not the body at the same time itchy, often moved from one place to another. The degree of itching is not the same, some people feel itchy skin, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, need to use iron brush brush skin or hot water wash until the skin bleeding and feel pain and burning, Itching was temporarily reduced. Often with itchy at night, the patient because of itching and insomnia or can not sleep. Due to severe itching, constantly scratching, there may be scratches, blood scab, or strip of scratches, and sometimes eczema-like changes, moss-like changes or pigmentation. Scratched skin is also susceptible to infection and boil or folliculitis.
Old age pruritus occurs in the elderly are often the most itchy trunk; winter pruritus appears in the cold season, due to cold induced, the patient often get out of sleep, began to feel the anterolateral medial side, calf and other parts of the severe itching, , And the more itchy grasping, until the local bleeding so far.
2. Department of localized pruritus clinical more common in the anus, female and scrotum and other parts
(1) anal pruritus is the most common limitations of pruritus, more common in middle-aged men, often confined to the anus around, and sometimes spread to the scrotum forward, back to the gluteal groove on both sides, women can also disease, children suffering from pin Insect disease can also cause anal pruritus. Anus around the skin often pale or pale white dipping, anal folds hypertrophy, due to scratch and radial chapped; sometimes secondary infection; prolonged after the skin around the anus thickening, and become moss, can also occur pigment calm.
(2) female Yin itching occurs mainly in the labia majora and labia minora, Yin Fu and clitoris can also occur, because itching often scratching, vulvar skin hypertrophy, was gray and white impregnated, clitoris and vaginal mucosa swelling and erosion.
(3) scrotum itching itching occurs in the scrotum, but also can affect the penis or anus. As a result of continuous scratching, scrotal skin hypertrophy, and pigment changes, or moss-like changes, and some patients can see erosion, exudation and scab and eczema-like changes.
Through the above description of pruritus, we should understand this aspect. Understand the symptoms of some diseases, you can early to know the disease of patients, greatly improve the possibility of cure disease. We should make full use of this knowledge to help those who need help.

What are the symptoms of local pruritus?

In life, we may have a lot of friends around the local pruritus is troubled by the disease, the disease is also a common skin disease, the health of patients and the normal life of the hazards and effects can not be ignored. The symptoms of local pruritus, but also now many people most want to understand.
One, female Yin itching
This type of symptoms is mainly occurred in the female friends of the large, labia minora, while the mons pubis and clitoris may also occur. In the local pruritus symptoms, due to itching patients will often scratch the site, which led to the patient's vulva skin hypertrophy, and showing a white dipping, and the patient's clitoris and vaginal mucosa will be redness and erosion phenomenon.
Second, scrotum pruritus
Itching is mainly occurred in the male friends of the scrotum position, the patient may also spread spread to the penis and anus and other parts. Due to long-term scratch scrotum, may lead to localized skin becomes hypertrophy, and changes in pigment or moss-like changes, which are local pruritus symptoms; some patients will appear erosive oozing, scab and other discomfort Variety.
Three, anal itching
This is the most common type of performance in the disease, mostly around the anus, sometimes to the scrotum or pussy. The incidence of the disease is more extensive, the skin area of ​​the disease is mostly gray or pale white dipping, sometimes secondary symptoms of infection, over time the skin around the anus will form moss.
For the life of the common local pruritus symptoms for everyone to introduce so much, we hope to help. The disease on the body caused by the harm and impact is also quite serious, so I hope my friends are actively defensive measures.

What is the disease of pruritus?

Core Tip: systemic pruritus at night as the most important, but only without any primary rash, due to scratching a wide range of stripes or punched scratches, blood scab, pigmentation, and finally to skin hypertrophy can be followed Hair infections such as folliculitis, boils and so on.

In the dermatology itching is not uncommon, according to clinical research results show that there are many causes of skin itching, in addition to external factors, there are internal factors, are generally caused by bacterial infection. And what is the obvious symptoms of the disease performance in our daily life, how should we identify it? Here to introduce the relevant content for it.
Common are: liver and gallbladder disease Hepatic disease itching symptoms appear earlier, often increased in the winter. Pregnant women suffering from liver disease and oral contraceptives suffering from liver disease, the higher incidence of itching.
Diabetes: Some patients with recessive diabetes, often because of itching for physical examination was found in diabetes. Hematopoietic system disorders are characterized by systemic or localized itching. Warm water bath when itching, with flushing, iron deficiency anemia patients sometimes accompanied by itching, once corrected anemia, itching will disappear.
Chronic renal insufficiency Itching increases in the summer, mostly in the late condition. Accept hemodialysis, the higher incidence of itching.
Malignant neoplasms, some tumors are closely related to skin itching. When the brain tumor lesions invade the bottom of the fourth ventricle, often cause severe, persistent itching, especially in the nostrils itching for the violent. He Jie Jin disease patients, legs can occur lasting itching. Visceral cancer, such as gastric cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer can occur intractable itching. Cancer resection, itching that disappeared; when the tumor recurrence before itching will appear. It can be said that the emergence of itching is also a signal of tumor recurrence.
The details of the above is to introduce some of the common symptoms of pruritus, I hope you read this article after the knowledge of this can be understood. Health is the greatest wealth of life, we usually have to cherish the body, pay attention to personal hygiene. If you do not feel timely to the hospital for medical treatment.


What are the symptoms of pruritus?

Core Tip: These people will feel itchy throughout the body, often from one place to another, different patients itchy degree is not the same. Some people are itching, but still can bear, and some patients are not so lucky, they need to use iron brush or hot water, the skin will be hurt, and sometimes bleeding, itching feeling will temporarily reduce The
       Pruritus is a lot of people are very sick of a disease, mainly divided into systemic or limited two, these two types of pruritus must be treated in time, otherwise it will become more serious. To find early itching, it must understand the symptoms of it, the following we ask the professionals to tell you about the symptoms of pruritus.
       1, systemic pruritus
       These people will feel itchy throughout the body, often from one place to another, different patients itchy degree is not the same. Some people are itching, but still can bear, and some patients are not so lucky, they need to use iron brush or hot water, the skin will be hurt, and sometimes bleeding, itching feeling will temporarily reduce The
       2, localized itching
       Clinical limitations of itching more common in the anus, female scrotum and other parts, such as anal pruritus, scrotum itching, etc., more common in men, often confined to the anus around, and sometimes spread to the scrotum forward, back to the gluteal groove on both sides, Women can also be sick, children suffering from enterobiasis can also cause anal pruritus.
       Female Yin itching: itching of the main parts of the labia majora and labia minora, Yin Fu and clitoris can also occur, because itching often scratching, vulvar skin hypertrophy, was gray and white dipping, clitoris and vaginal mucosa swelling and erosion.
       Pruritus symptoms first introduced to you, and hope that we remember these symptoms in their lives found in their own body after these symptoms must know that they have had pruritus, you must immediately go to the hospital for treatment, so as not to their own The body produces greater damage. In addition to pruritus patients to choose a medical qualification of the hospital for treatment.

What are the symptoms of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus As the name suggests is a disease that occurs on the skin, and the most important feature of the patient after skin pruritus is that the skin will often feel itchy, so that the work or learning of the patient will have a great impact. So get the disease as soon as possible treatment, then, what are the symptoms of skin pruritus?
       The causes of skin pruritus are more complex, and the mechanism of its disease is still no clear answer, systemic skin pruritus common causes of endocrine disorders and winter itching, liver and kidney disease, malignant tumors, and psychiatric factors Can cause itching, excessive cleaning of the skin caused by skin degreasing dry and produce itching.
       Symptoms of skin pruritus include severe itching. Can be seen in the body or confined to the anus, scrotum or female genitals. For the paroxysmal, itching severe, often at night increased, affecting sleep. The patient often scratching more than scratch, to do a good job in the prevention of pruritus, secondary lesions, scratches due to excessive scratches, blood stasis, the emergence of eczema, moss-like changes and pigmentation, which is also itching Symptoms will appear one of the obvious symptoms.
       Another treatment of pruritus there are three diagnostic basis, whether it is the diagnosis of skin pruritus, or skin pruritus symptoms, the patient's condition has a very good role in promoting the three diagnoses based on one. Only skin pruritus without primary lesions, itching has a certain regularity, varying severity, affected by a variety of factors; Repeated scratch may have secondary lesions, such as scratches, blood scab, pigmentation, mossy and eczema. Limitations of pruritus of the anus, scrotum, female Yin can occur local skin hypertrophy, chapped, dipping, erosion or eczema like; Some patients can be combined with neurasthenia and folliculitis, impetigo, furunculosis, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
       The above for everyone to introduce the symptoms of skin pruritus what, for the skin pruritus symptoms, I believe that friends have to understand it When you have these symptoms, must be given enough attention, as soon as possible to the hospital for examination and treatment, do not let skin pruritus affect their own lives and work.

Got pruritus to pay attention to what?

Life skin pruritus is a common disease, the patient will consciously severe itching, the disease caused by a lot of reasons, can appear in the body or around the anus, etc., bring a lot of trouble to patients, pay attention to timely prevention and treatment. After suffering from pruritus what? Knowing this problem will help the patient to make effective protective measures.
       1, to maintain a good attitude, relax, do not worry about worry over the disease, to find the cause in time, pay attention to avoid the occurrence of pruritus disease of various factors.
       2, eat less irritating food, eat less chili, onion and garlic, coffee, tea and other spicy food, can be appropriate to add fat. Tobacco and alcohol is also the main cause of the onset of pruritus, try to quit smoking and drinking.
       3, underwear should be relaxed and comfortable, as little as possible to wear chemical fiber clothing, you can wear some cotton, reduce the friction on the skin.
       4, pruritus patients should be careful not to use a large bath when the soap, do not scrub the skin, damage the skin.
       5, to avoid hot and cold stimulation, the weather changes, the timely increase or reduce the clothes, to avoid the skin by hot and cold stimulation induced itching.
       6, life to the law, do not stay up all night, to develop a good habit, appropriate to participate in some physical exercise, enhance their own physical and improve immunity.
       Pruritus patients to note what you do for these presentations, I hope the above content can give you help patients with pruritus. Suffering from pruritus, the patient's life and work will cause serious impact, resulting in can not concentrate on the work, may also affect the patient's sleep, so the disease should be treated as soon as possible.