
What is the disease of pruritus?

Core Tip: systemic pruritus at night as the most important, but only without any primary rash, due to scratching a wide range of stripes or punched scratches, blood scab, pigmentation, and finally to skin hypertrophy can be followed Hair infections such as folliculitis, boils and so on.

In the dermatology itching is not uncommon, according to clinical research results show that there are many causes of skin itching, in addition to external factors, there are internal factors, are generally caused by bacterial infection. And what is the obvious symptoms of the disease performance in our daily life, how should we identify it? Here to introduce the relevant content for it.
Common are: liver and gallbladder disease Hepatic disease itching symptoms appear earlier, often increased in the winter. Pregnant women suffering from liver disease and oral contraceptives suffering from liver disease, the higher incidence of itching.
Diabetes: Some patients with recessive diabetes, often because of itching for physical examination was found in diabetes. Hematopoietic system disorders are characterized by systemic or localized itching. Warm water bath when itching, with flushing, iron deficiency anemia patients sometimes accompanied by itching, once corrected anemia, itching will disappear.
Chronic renal insufficiency Itching increases in the summer, mostly in the late condition. Accept hemodialysis, the higher incidence of itching.
Malignant neoplasms, some tumors are closely related to skin itching. When the brain tumor lesions invade the bottom of the fourth ventricle, often cause severe, persistent itching, especially in the nostrils itching for the violent. He Jie Jin disease patients, legs can occur lasting itching. Visceral cancer, such as gastric cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer can occur intractable itching. Cancer resection, itching that disappeared; when the tumor recurrence before itching will appear. It can be said that the emergence of itching is also a signal of tumor recurrence.
The details of the above is to introduce some of the common symptoms of pruritus, I hope you read this article after the knowledge of this can be understood. Health is the greatest wealth of life, we usually have to cherish the body, pay attention to personal hygiene. If you do not feel timely to the hospital for medical treatment.

