
What are the symptoms of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus As the name suggests is a disease that occurs on the skin, and the most important feature of the patient after skin pruritus is that the skin will often feel itchy, so that the work or learning of the patient will have a great impact. So get the disease as soon as possible treatment, then, what are the symptoms of skin pruritus?
       The causes of skin pruritus are more complex, and the mechanism of its disease is still no clear answer, systemic skin pruritus common causes of endocrine disorders and winter itching, liver and kidney disease, malignant tumors, and psychiatric factors Can cause itching, excessive cleaning of the skin caused by skin degreasing dry and produce itching.
       Symptoms of skin pruritus include severe itching. Can be seen in the body or confined to the anus, scrotum or female genitals. For the paroxysmal, itching severe, often at night increased, affecting sleep. The patient often scratching more than scratch, to do a good job in the prevention of pruritus, secondary lesions, scratches due to excessive scratches, blood stasis, the emergence of eczema, moss-like changes and pigmentation, which is also itching Symptoms will appear one of the obvious symptoms.
       Another treatment of pruritus there are three diagnostic basis, whether it is the diagnosis of skin pruritus, or skin pruritus symptoms, the patient's condition has a very good role in promoting the three diagnoses based on one. Only skin pruritus without primary lesions, itching has a certain regularity, varying severity, affected by a variety of factors; Repeated scratch may have secondary lesions, such as scratches, blood scab, pigmentation, mossy and eczema. Limitations of pruritus of the anus, scrotum, female Yin can occur local skin hypertrophy, chapped, dipping, erosion or eczema like; Some patients can be combined with neurasthenia and folliculitis, impetigo, furunculosis, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
       The above for everyone to introduce the symptoms of skin pruritus what, for the skin pruritus symptoms, I believe that friends have to understand it When you have these symptoms, must be given enough attention, as soon as possible to the hospital for examination and treatment, do not let skin pruritus affect their own lives and work.

