
Why suffering from skin pruritus

In recent years, due to changes in the living environment and the impact of lead to the incidence of skin pruritus remains high, although not a threat to people's body, but because of its itching symptoms, to the patient's normal life and skin health is added Less trouble and damage. What are the causes of skin pruritus? This is something we are more concerned about.
First, the central nervous system diseases: neurasthenia, cerebral arteriosclerosis in patients with frequent occurrence of secondary itching symptoms, when the brain tumor patients with severe lesions, but also often cause persistent nostrils in the face of severe itching symptoms.
Second, endocrine disorders: causes cause of skin pruritus, endocrine disorders is a common cause. For example, patients with hyperthyroidism, due to the blood circulation of the skin to speed up the skin's temperature, resulting in skin symptoms of itching, increased at night; diabetes due to endocrine reasons, resulting in decreased resistance to the body, susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, The
Third, the high concentration of cholic acid: If the concentration of bile acid in the blood is high, it will be deposited in the skin, thus becoming the cause of skin pruritus. Therefore, when life is found in the skin yellow and itching severe, we must pay attention to the hospital in time to check to prevent the emergence of gallstones.
Fourth, the higher trace elements in the blood is too high: If the blood contains too much phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements, may also cause skin itching symptoms. If the skin at this time is relatively dry, and accompanied by urination discomfort symptoms, it is necessary to think of the possibility of kidney disease.
Many people do not know why they suffer from skin pruritus, for the cause of skin pruritus, this article has been introduced for everyone, hoping to help patients with pruritus. Tips: skin pruritus may also mean that the occurrence of other diseases, so be sure to actively diagnosis and treatment, to avoid more damage.

What causes the pruritus

Pruritus is a disease that occurs on the skin, as the name suggests, after the pruritus, the patient's skin will feel very itching, resulting in the patient can not work properly, or learn. So, the following is to explain what is the reason to induce pruritus, hoping to help you prevent the occurrence of the disease.
First, the endocrine system caused by disease
In patients with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, there will be skin pruritus, but the difference between the two, the former itching symptoms appear earlier, because the patient's skin more humid, so the symptoms will increase in summer; the latter Of the itching symptoms appear late, and the disease development is slow, easy to induce winter itching symptoms.
Second, the digestive system caused by disease
In the cause of skin pruritus, due to digestive diseases will lead to digestion and absorption, which may lead to blood and skin in the bile salt concentration increased, and then stimulate the nerve endings to cause systemic skin itching symptoms. Some pregnant women because of pregnancy when the endocrine disorders, leading to estrogen and progesterone increased, induced pruritus, the general postpartum symptoms will automatically disappear.
Third, the genitourinary system caused by disease
Some patients with chronic nephritis, due to the blood of uremic toxins and some other waste can not be discharged from the body, and then in the body a lot of retention, and may be accompanied by sweat from the body surface, which may be due to toxins and then lead to systemic stubborn Itching. Some girlfriends may also often due to irregular menstruation, increased vaginal discharge caused by vulvar and other factors cause vulvar itching.
Above for you to introduce what causes the pruritus, it seems different people suffering from pruritus may be caused by different reasons. To understand the cause of pruritus, regardless of the prevention of pruritus, or the treatment of pruritus are very helpful, so I hope you understand the contents of this article.

What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus is a more common skin disease, suffering from skin pruritus after the daily life of patients will bring many effects. But many people do not know what the cause of skin pruritus, so do not know how to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Here for a detailed description of what the cause of skin pruritus is what.
       Cause the cause of pruritus
       1, visceral disease: gastrointestinal liver and kidney and other organs or functional or organic disease, especially diabetic uremia liver disease patients, often with generalized itching, some tumors such as leukemia, lymphosarcoma, Golden disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymphoma patients with skin pruritus.
       2, neuropsychiatric disorders: cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur systemic or limited local skin pruritus, clinically common neurosis patients, there is some illusion that the skin has insects and itchy Some develop the habit of scratching, which is one of the main causes of pruritus.
       3, endocrine disorders: some women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance of menstrual disorders or ovarian disease, often caused by female vulvae pruritus skin pruritus, may be related to decreased levels of sex hormones, thyroid disease The patient may have pruritus.
       4, can cause generalized or limited localized itching temperature changes, often cause skin itching, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature, bedding is too hot suddenly heat or cold may cause itching attack.
       5, mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors to stimulate, can cause local itching, for example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap wearing chemical fiber wool and so on.
       6, in addition to disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and other irritants can make local skin itching.
       Above for everyone to elaborate on the cause of skin pruritus is what the cause of skin pruritus we should all know it In normal life we ​​should be based on these causes of active prevention of skin pruritus, when suffering from skin pruritus must cause enough attention, as soon as possible to the hospital for treatment.


What is the cause of female genital itching?

Genital itching is a common phenomenon in female friends, life, there are many friends are troubled by the disease, but many friends in the treatment of treatment, but for the cause of female genital itching is very confused, but also for the future Treatment brings a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this problem correctly.
First, physical disease
Because of their lack of vitamins, or their own suffering from anemia, jaundice and some other diseases, but also cause female genital itching in the very important part of the reason. For example, long-term suffering from diabetes, long-term stimulation of the vulva because of the vulva; or obese people, due to sebaceous glands and excessive secretion of sweat glands, and then stimulate the vulva, will cause the disease.
Second, infectious diseases
Due to trichomonas infection or mold and other factors, resulting in women suffering from gynecological diseases, resulting in significant increase in leucorrhea, inflammatory secretions long-term stimulation of the vulva skin and mucous membranes, and then cause itching. In addition, if suffering from certain sexually transmitted diseases may also lead to the emergence of the symptoms.
Third, other factors
Due to long-term wear chemical fiber underwear or the use of substandard health supplies, as well as systemic or vulva and other parts of the drug allergy, are likely to become female genital itching reasons. At the same time, pregnancy caused by genital congestion and localized lesions, or because of menstrual flow through the vagina, interfere with the normal vaginal acid-base balance, may also cause genital discomfort.
For the cause of female genital itching, I believe we all have a certain understanding, if life once found themselves suffering from the disease, we must choose a regular specialist outpatient active treatment, for early and complete cure.

What is the cause of pruritus

Skin itching is a very common kind of skin disease, the impact of the disease on the patient is very large, not only itching intolerable, if not timely treatment will give patients a lot of discomfort, causing skin itching is also a lot of reasons, Like endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases will cause skin itching, the following look at the relevant introduction.
(1) visceral disease, gastrointestinal liver and kidney and other organs or functional or organic disease, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients often have generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia, lymphosarcoma, He Jie Jin's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymphoma and other patients with skin itching.
(2) neuropsychiatric disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur systemic or limited local skin itching, clinically common neurosis patients have some illusion that the skin has insects and feel Itchy, and some develop scratching habits.
(3) endocrine disorders, some women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause female genital itching, the elderly skin itching may be related to decreased levels of sex hormones, thyroid disease patients Can also have pruritus.
(4) external causes: skin itching external causes can cause general or limited local itching, temperature changes often cause skin itching, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in climate, bedding is too hot, suddenly heated Or the case of cold may cause itching attack.
Above is caused by the cause of skin itching, we can see the cause of skin itching is a lot of reasons, if you do not want to be troubled by the skin itching should avoid the above causes and infection, and the first time outside, we found that they have skin Itching time must be timely to the hospital for treatment, so as not to worsen the disease.

What causes the elderly skin pruritus

Pruritus is one of the common skin diseases, mainly in the elderly the most common to itching as the main feature, although the disease does not affect the health, but the incidence of people can not stand, so found the disease to timely treatment, so as not to give Your life brings greater distress, then what is the cause of old skin pruritus?
The occurrence of old skin pruritus, with some incorrect living habits, like too frequent use of hot hot water bath, the use of alkaline soap, so that the boring skin has lost the moisture of the sebum, so this is Cause old skin pruritus on the one hand reasons.
In the usual diet, many elderly vegetarian-based, rarely eat high-fat foods, but this is detrimental to health. Fat can produce heat to help people against the cold, and can make the skin get moisture. Moderate intake of high-fat foods can prevent the occurrence of old skin pruritus. Fat foods are also beneficial to vitamin A and vitamin E intake, they have to prevent the skin dry and aging role. Some old winter especially like to drink, intended to keep warm. But the bodily fever is only temporary, more is to promote the skin dry. Spicy food is also true.
Elderly is easy to have skin pruritus, which not only with the physiological changes in the elderly have a relationship, but also with some systemic diseases are closely related, such as endocrine changes, indigestion and constipation, allergic factors, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hepatobiliary disease , Some tumors and so on. Therefore, the elderly skin pruritus in the treatment of itching at the same time should be a comprehensive physical examination and related laboratory tests, the elderly skin pruritus in the treatment should pay more attention.
What caused the old skin pruritus? Now we have the hearts of the answer, if you suffer from skin pruritus, please go to the regular specialist hospital for consultation and treatment, so as to achieve the best therapeutic effect, so as not to delay the treatment to their own great impact, and finally wish everyone Can be an early recovery.


What are the causes of pruritus?

Pruritus is now a very common skin disease, we can suffer from the disease all year round, especially the elderly most vulnerable to its invasion. The main feature of the disease is itching intolerable, seriously affecting the patient's daily life and work. So what are the causes of pruritus? Let the experts today to help us introduce.
       What are the causes of pruritus:
       Cause pruritus for many reasons, the most important thing is caused by endocrine abnormalities, many diseases are due to the normal metabolism of the body caused by skin itching. Elderly skin nutrient deficiency, susceptible to changes in the surrounding environment.
       Skin pruritus can occur in general or limited local itching phenomenon, the temperature changes are likely to cause skin itching, the patient is usually on the spring and summer climate changes are extremely sensitive.
       Stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and other diseases caused by these internal organs can easily cause itching, especially like diabetes, uremia, liver disease and other patients, often feel the body with a sense of itching; some tumor diseases Such as leukemia, lymphosarcoma and malignant lymphoma and so on patients often appear itching phenomenon.
       Elderly skin metabolic disorders: senile skin atrophy, sweat glands sebum secretion less, lack of moisture in the skin, blood circulation disorders, resulting in lack of nutrition, poor skin resistance in the surrounding environment by the hot and cold changes in the stimulation is likely to cause pruritus.
       Chronic renal insufficiency: chronic nephritis patients, patients with advanced uremia, due to blood urealin and urea and other metabolites can not be excreted, in the body a large number of retention, with sweat excreted body surface, easily lead to systemic stubborn itching symptoms.
       Hepatobiliary disease: cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, bile duct cancer and other diseases can easily lead to the production of skin pruritus. People suffering from hepatobiliary disease bile stasis, so that the blood bile salt concentration increased, histamine retention in the skin calm, causing itching.
       Pruritus affects a lot of people's life, such as students suffering from the disease can not seriously study, office workers because the disease can not concentrate on work. The above is the reason for the introduction of pruritus, hoping to attract the attention of the majority of friends. Suffering from pruritus must be timely treatment, should not be forced to scratch scratch.

What causes pruritus?

Itching is a kind of self-conspiracy that occurs in the skin and causes scratching. The reason is complicated. The causative factors include internal or external factors, or both.
1. Internal causes of systemic pruritus
(1) visceral disease stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and other organs of functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients, often have generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia, Lymphosarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides, and malignant lymphoma patients with skin itching.
(2) neuropsychiatric system disorders cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur systemic or limited local skin itching. Common in the clinical neurosis patients have some illusion that the skin has insects and itchy, and some develop the habit of scratching.
(3) endocrine disorders Some women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause female genital itching. Older skin itching may be associated with decreased levels of sex hormones in the body. Thyroid disease patients can have pruritus.
In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcohol), food allergy and parasite or fungal infections can cause systemic or limited local itching.
2. External causes can cause generalized or limited localized itching. Changes in temperature often cause skin itching, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. Bedding is too hot, suddenly heat or cold may cause itching attack.
Mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors can stimulate the local cause of the itching. For example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber wool and so on.
In addition disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and other irritants can make local skin itching.

What are the causes of skin pruritus?

Pruritus is a lot of clinical see, this disease is widespread in the elderly, perhaps young people are not very understanding of the disease, but for our family, we have to understand the disease, then skin pruritus what is the reason? The following experts from the hospital to explain the relevant knowledge of pruritus.
Causes of skin pruritus: most of the limitations of pruritus because of vaginal trichomoniasis, hemorrhoids fistula, Candida infection, local sweating and other causes. Systemic pruritus is a systemic disease, long parasites, the skin itself is dry, as well as light, chemicals and other physical and chemical factors caused.
Causes of skin pruritus: itching is a kind of symptoms that occur in the skin and cause scratching. There are many causes of morbidity. Pathogenic factors can include internal and external causes. External factors that are caused by changes in temperature, mechanical friction or other physical and chemical factors can also cause localized itching, like some people are sensitive to wool, or alkaline soap and so on.
Causes of skin pruritus: many internal causes can cause systemic pruritus. 1, visceral disease stomach, intestine, liver and other organs of the functional or organ disease. 2, the nervous system disorders lead to the emergence of itching illusion. 3, endocrine disorders caused by. In addition to alcohol. Food allergy can also cause systemic or localized itching.
The above is the hospital experts on the causes of skin itching to make the relevant explanation, hope to help you better understand the pruritus, when the symptoms of itching to the hospital in time, and take treatment measures, as soon as possible the treatment of the disease. Do not let pruritus affect your study and life.


What causes the cause of senile pruritus

Skin pruritus is a skin disease, skin pruritus is not a serious illness, but the skin will appear severe itching, seriously affecting the elderly sleep, resulting in poor mental state. Leading to the elderly skin pruritus for many reasons, there are pathological and non-pathological, we are here from the four aspects of the analysis.
(1) seasonal factors: cold when the cold overheating stimulation, dry, low humidity, are easy to cause skin pruritus, fur, chemical fiber products, rough underwear is also easy to stimulate itching. Old skin and its affiliated organs sebaceous glands, sweat glands and other shrinking, water content decreased, subcutaneous fat is also thinning, the skin and thus dry and no, poor blood circulation, the ability to adapt to the skin decreased by adverse stimuli, it occurs itching.
(2) diet factors: drinking, smoking, drinking tea, coffee, shrimp, seafood, eat spicy food. Itching is often difficult to stop, must be strong itching, until the skin damage bleeding, feeling pain, only to stop. Heavy sleep uneasiness, extremely painful, itching subsided after no feeling.
(3) infection factors: such as parasitic infections, often limited to itching, clinical manifestations around the anus, genital itching mainly, such as female Yin itching and vaginal discharge, vaginal trichomoniasis. Anal itching and trichomoniasis, hemorrhoids, anal fistula and prostatitis, scrotum itching and local sweating and friction related.
(4) other factors: In addition to the above reasons, such as allergic, neurological dysfunction, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, biliary tract disease, nephritis, cancer can cause. Itching can occur simultaneously, but also by a transfer to another place, and even moss-like changes, eczema-like changes, pyoderma and lymphatic and lymphadenitis.
From the above article is to cause the cause of aging pruritus to do the introduction, from the text we can know the cause of skin pruritus is a lot. So the elderly usually pay attention to a reasonable diet, strengthen the exercise. To avoid suffering from skin pruritus to their own health and life impact.

How the pruritus is formed

Skin disease pruritus is more common, many patients think this is a normal situation, in fact, not. It is a skin disease, called pruritus. Many people can not help but have this question: how the formation of pruritus in winter it? Then the following by the hospital experts through years of clinical experience for everyone to answer this question it
First, the skin on the surface of the important conservation role is the skin of the stratum corneum, the skin of the stratum corneum is composed of multi-layer keratinocytes, containing keratin. It can resist the role of friction, to prevent the body fluids appear outside the infiltration and chemical intrusions. Keratin's ability to absorb water is relatively strong, usually water content will not be less than 10%, so that the softness of the skin to be maintained, if less than this value, then the skin will become dry, resulting in scales or chapped The
Second, the size of the secretion of sebaceous glands and temperature is a significant relationship between the temperature becomes high, the secretion will become more. Especially in the summer, the hot weather coupled with the increase in body movement, sebum secretion will have a peak, coupled with sweat volume more, the skin will have a good moisturizing effect, so, in addition to a very small number Of the dry skin of people and patients with severe fish disease, most people do not appear simple pruritus.
        But once into the winter, the secretion of sebum will be significantly reduced, coupled with the humidity in the air is also low, the body's movement less, sweat volume corresponding to less, the skin has been relatively dry Of the state, part of the human skin will appear at the same time pruritus, scaling, and even chapped and so on.
On how the formation of pruritus, the above article has been for the readers to do a detailed introduction, perhaps many people have had itching, but some people itching is only temporary, but some people are long itching , Then if it is long-term itching, the patient must be timely treatment.

A comprehensive analysis of the cause of pruritus

The core tips: endocrine disorders are generally women, these people in pregnancy, then often accompanied by pruritus, will disappear in the postpartum, menstrual disorders or ovarian cyst disease often cause Yin itching. People's skin itching may be related to decreased levels of sex hormones in the body, thyroid disease patients can have pruritus.

       Many people do not know what reason after the pruritus, so do not know how to treat, the condition may be increased, the body will be very much hurt Then cause the cause of pruritus what? Then we asked the relevant experts for a comprehensive analysis of the causes of pruritus.
       1, visceral disease
       If some of the organs of the functional or organic disease, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients, often have generalized itching. Other skin diseases in patients with skin also appear itching.
       2, neuropsychiatric disorders
       A person's nervous system disorder, the arteries will follow the hardening, the nerve will follow slowly slowly, and finally there will be systemic or local skin itching, this time can not hand to grasp Rao.
       3, endocrine disorders
       Endocrine disorders are generally women, these people in pregnancy, then often accompanied by pruritus, will disappear in the postpartum, menstrual disorders or ovarian cyst disease often cause Yin itching. People's skin itching may be related to decreased levels of sex hormones in the body, thyroid disease patients can have pruritus.
       4, the lesion infection
       In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcohol), food allergy and parasite or fungal infections can cause systemic or limited local itching.
       The main cause of pruritus is the above article describes the four, and hope that everyone in the ordinary life to avoid these factors, found that some parts of their body with itching symptoms immediately after treatment, do not delay without treatment, The final condition becomes serious, and is not good for health.


What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Everyone in life has had skin itching, of course, the reason for itching is different. Some people skin itching is only temporary, but some patients do long-term skin itching, in order to treat skin pruritus, first of all should be aware of the causes of illness. Here to tell you about what causes the occurrence of skin pruritus.
Skin pruritus can be confined to a certain part of the body, but also generalized body, the causes can be divided into internal and external factors, as described in detail below.
First, the cause of skin pruritus: mental problems such as neurasthenia can lead to systemic or limited local skin pruritus. Stomach, intestines and other internal organs of functional or organic disease, especially in diabetic patients, that often have generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia and malignant lymphoma patients with skin pruritus. Women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian diseases often cause female genital pruritus.
Second, the skin pruritus external causes: 1. Temperature changes often cause skin itching, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in climate. 2. Mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors to stimulate the skin is also caused by pruritus one of the reasons. 3. By the disinfectant, insecticides and other stimuli can also cause local skin itching.
The above describes what causes the occurrence of skin pruritus, skin pruritus may be caused by a certain factor, it may be due to a disease-induced. Therefore, the treatment of skin pruritus do not blindly take measures, should go to the hospital to diagnose the cause of the disease, and then for treatment.

What can cause skin pruritus disease

Pruritus is a skin disease that anyone may suffer from, and the clinical symptoms of pruritus are mainly severe itching and severe nighttime, often affecting the patient's sleep and bringing the patient's work and life Great influence, so what is skin pruritus in the end it? Here for your specific introduction.
What is skin pruritus? Skin pruritus so far there is no real research through, but most of them that with certain diseases, such as liver disease, kidney disease; and some skin pruritus is divided into generalized and limited, generalized refers to the initial onset of patients When itching only in a place, and then gradually extended to the body of the body, under normal circumstances the incidence of relatively heavy at night, due to scratching, there will be scratches pigmentation and moss-like changes in secondary damage. Limitations generally occur only in a certain part of the body, specifically divided into anorectal itching disease, scrotal pruritus, head pruritus and so on. What is the skin pruritus we also know the rough it, the following look at it under the attention of it
Skin pruritus patients can not eat too much spicy food can not drink, otherwise it will exacerbate the skin itching. Constantly scratching not only make the skin thicker, but also increased the skin itching, it will form a vicious circle. In addition, the patient should not wash the affected area, it can only play a temporary role, there is no treatment effect.
The following diseases can also cause skin itching:
1, high concentration of cholic acid will be a lot of deposition in the skin, leading to severe skin itching.
2, blood calcium, phosphorus is too high will appear skin itching. If accompanied by dry skin, and there are frequent urination, urgency, low back pain or less urine, etc., it is likely that the kidney is a problem. Chronic nephritis patients due to blood uremic and protein derivatives increased, will lead to systemic skin itching.
3, endocrine disorders, such as thyroid hyperthyroidism patients, because the skin to speed up the blood caused by itchy skin, and sleep will be more serious; diabetic patients due to increased blood sugar susceptible to bacterial infection, it will lead to skin itching.
4, neurasthenia and cerebral arteriosclerosis patients are usually accompanied by paroxysmal itching; brain tumor patients in the nostrils caused by severe and persistent itching.
Above for everyone to introduce the cause of skin pruritus disease, because the type of skin pruritus are more, the type of patients are also different, but also often accompanied by some diseases, and now we also understand what is skin pruritus, so Found must be early to the treatment, otherwise the condition will be more serious. I wish the patient a quick recovery here.

What causes the pruritus

Itching is more common in dermatology, most of the skin disease will be associated with pruritus, and will give you a certain impact on life, then, cause the cause of pruritus what? The following experts to ask you for a detailed look, I hope experts can give you the help to introduce.
What causes the pruritus? Today, hospital experts to explain for everyone:
The first is external:
1, pruritus Similarly, the main patient's clothing and life, diet and other aspects of contact with the material is related, such as some people are very sensitive to wool and other daily life factors.
2, pruritus This disease is relatively stubborn chronic skin disease. Therefore, this disease with the temperature there are seasonal changes are closely linked.
In addition to external causes of internal disease can cause skin pruritus:
1, if the patient's neuropsychiatric system there are obstacles, such as cerebral arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia and some other bad conditions, can also occur systemic or limited local skin itching.
2, if the patient's visceral some diseases, such as the intestine, stomach and other organs of the occurrence of functional lesions, especially diabetes, uremia and some other malignant diseases, often to the patient's body to bring generalized itching.
3, part of the women during pregnancy will be endocrine disorders, often accompanied by pruritus, but in the postpartum will gradually disappear. Patients with menstrual disorders or ovarian disease can cause female genital pruritus.
The cause of pruritus is a lot of reasons, after more than the cause of the cause of pruritus caused by what the introduction, we all cause the onset of pruritus have a sense of understanding, mainly because of work, but also with the habit of living Not caused by the incorrect, so all friends in life must pay attention.