
What are the causes of pruritus?

Pruritus is now a very common skin disease, we can suffer from the disease all year round, especially the elderly most vulnerable to its invasion. The main feature of the disease is itching intolerable, seriously affecting the patient's daily life and work. So what are the causes of pruritus? Let the experts today to help us introduce.
       What are the causes of pruritus:
       Cause pruritus for many reasons, the most important thing is caused by endocrine abnormalities, many diseases are due to the normal metabolism of the body caused by skin itching. Elderly skin nutrient deficiency, susceptible to changes in the surrounding environment.
       Skin pruritus can occur in general or limited local itching phenomenon, the temperature changes are likely to cause skin itching, the patient is usually on the spring and summer climate changes are extremely sensitive.
       Stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and other diseases caused by these internal organs can easily cause itching, especially like diabetes, uremia, liver disease and other patients, often feel the body with a sense of itching; some tumor diseases Such as leukemia, lymphosarcoma and malignant lymphoma and so on patients often appear itching phenomenon.
       Elderly skin metabolic disorders: senile skin atrophy, sweat glands sebum secretion less, lack of moisture in the skin, blood circulation disorders, resulting in lack of nutrition, poor skin resistance in the surrounding environment by the hot and cold changes in the stimulation is likely to cause pruritus.
       Chronic renal insufficiency: chronic nephritis patients, patients with advanced uremia, due to blood urealin and urea and other metabolites can not be excreted, in the body a large number of retention, with sweat excreted body surface, easily lead to systemic stubborn itching symptoms.
       Hepatobiliary disease: cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, bile duct cancer and other diseases can easily lead to the production of skin pruritus. People suffering from hepatobiliary disease bile stasis, so that the blood bile salt concentration increased, histamine retention in the skin calm, causing itching.
       Pruritus affects a lot of people's life, such as students suffering from the disease can not seriously study, office workers because the disease can not concentrate on work. The above is the reason for the introduction of pruritus, hoping to attract the attention of the majority of friends. Suffering from pruritus must be timely treatment, should not be forced to scratch scratch.

