
How the pruritus is formed

Skin disease pruritus is more common, many patients think this is a normal situation, in fact, not. It is a skin disease, called pruritus. Many people can not help but have this question: how the formation of pruritus in winter it? Then the following by the hospital experts through years of clinical experience for everyone to answer this question it
First, the skin on the surface of the important conservation role is the skin of the stratum corneum, the skin of the stratum corneum is composed of multi-layer keratinocytes, containing keratin. It can resist the role of friction, to prevent the body fluids appear outside the infiltration and chemical intrusions. Keratin's ability to absorb water is relatively strong, usually water content will not be less than 10%, so that the softness of the skin to be maintained, if less than this value, then the skin will become dry, resulting in scales or chapped The
Second, the size of the secretion of sebaceous glands and temperature is a significant relationship between the temperature becomes high, the secretion will become more. Especially in the summer, the hot weather coupled with the increase in body movement, sebum secretion will have a peak, coupled with sweat volume more, the skin will have a good moisturizing effect, so, in addition to a very small number Of the dry skin of people and patients with severe fish disease, most people do not appear simple pruritus.
        But once into the winter, the secretion of sebum will be significantly reduced, coupled with the humidity in the air is also low, the body's movement less, sweat volume corresponding to less, the skin has been relatively dry Of the state, part of the human skin will appear at the same time pruritus, scaling, and even chapped and so on.
On how the formation of pruritus, the above article has been for the readers to do a detailed introduction, perhaps many people have had itching, but some people itching is only temporary, but some people are long itching , Then if it is long-term itching, the patient must be timely treatment.

