
What causes the elderly skin pruritus

Pruritus is one of the common skin diseases, mainly in the elderly the most common to itching as the main feature, although the disease does not affect the health, but the incidence of people can not stand, so found the disease to timely treatment, so as not to give Your life brings greater distress, then what is the cause of old skin pruritus?
The occurrence of old skin pruritus, with some incorrect living habits, like too frequent use of hot hot water bath, the use of alkaline soap, so that the boring skin has lost the moisture of the sebum, so this is Cause old skin pruritus on the one hand reasons.
In the usual diet, many elderly vegetarian-based, rarely eat high-fat foods, but this is detrimental to health. Fat can produce heat to help people against the cold, and can make the skin get moisture. Moderate intake of high-fat foods can prevent the occurrence of old skin pruritus. Fat foods are also beneficial to vitamin A and vitamin E intake, they have to prevent the skin dry and aging role. Some old winter especially like to drink, intended to keep warm. But the bodily fever is only temporary, more is to promote the skin dry. Spicy food is also true.
Elderly is easy to have skin pruritus, which not only with the physiological changes in the elderly have a relationship, but also with some systemic diseases are closely related, such as endocrine changes, indigestion and constipation, allergic factors, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hepatobiliary disease , Some tumors and so on. Therefore, the elderly skin pruritus in the treatment of itching at the same time should be a comprehensive physical examination and related laboratory tests, the elderly skin pruritus in the treatment should pay more attention.
What caused the old skin pruritus? Now we have the hearts of the answer, if you suffer from skin pruritus, please go to the regular specialist hospital for consultation and treatment, so as to achieve the best therapeutic effect, so as not to delay the treatment to their own great impact, and finally wish everyone Can be an early recovery.

