
What are the causes of skin pruritus?

Pruritus is a lot of clinical see, this disease is widespread in the elderly, perhaps young people are not very understanding of the disease, but for our family, we have to understand the disease, then skin pruritus what is the reason? The following experts from the hospital to explain the relevant knowledge of pruritus.
Causes of skin pruritus: most of the limitations of pruritus because of vaginal trichomoniasis, hemorrhoids fistula, Candida infection, local sweating and other causes. Systemic pruritus is a systemic disease, long parasites, the skin itself is dry, as well as light, chemicals and other physical and chemical factors caused.
Causes of skin pruritus: itching is a kind of symptoms that occur in the skin and cause scratching. There are many causes of morbidity. Pathogenic factors can include internal and external causes. External factors that are caused by changes in temperature, mechanical friction or other physical and chemical factors can also cause localized itching, like some people are sensitive to wool, or alkaline soap and so on.
Causes of skin pruritus: many internal causes can cause systemic pruritus. 1, visceral disease stomach, intestine, liver and other organs of the functional or organ disease. 2, the nervous system disorders lead to the emergence of itching illusion. 3, endocrine disorders caused by. In addition to alcohol. Food allergy can also cause systemic or localized itching.
The above is the hospital experts on the causes of skin itching to make the relevant explanation, hope to help you better understand the pruritus, when the symptoms of itching to the hospital in time, and take treatment measures, as soon as possible the treatment of the disease. Do not let pruritus affect your study and life.

