
What are the causes of pruritus?

This kind of disease does not limit pruritus by age and sex, can occur in any of them, and because of the disease the disease complex, easy to repeated attacks, so it is difficult to completely cure. In order to avoid the disease cause more trouble and harm to patients, positive understanding of causes of pruritus, timely and effective treatment is very important.
I. cholic acid concentration is too high
The concentration of cholic acid in the blood increase, will be deposited in the skin, because the stimulus will lead to more serious skin pruritus, the blood concentration of calcium, phosphorus and other elements also contributed to the high incidence of pruritus. If the skin dry, accompanied by frequent urination, urgency and other conditions, must be checked in time, so as not to more serious disease damage.
Two endocrine disorders
If suffering from hyperthyroidism patients, the blood circulation of the skin quickly, the skin temperature increased, will cause skin itching, nocturnal symptoms are more severe; and patients with diabetes due to increased blood sugar, body defense function, vulnerable to bacterial infection, causing the disease progress.
Three. Central nervous system diseases
In the pathogenesis of pruritus, neurasthenia and some neurological diseases, often appear paroxysmal itching. For example, patients with brain tumors often cause severe and persistent itching when the underlying tissue infiltrates into the base of the brain, and the itching is mostly in the nostrils of the patient.
The causes of pruritus clearly, patients will be based on the most appropriate treatment for their etiology, do not delay treatment, aggravating illness, cause unnecessary damage to the body.

What are the causes of pruritus

Core tip: mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors can stimulate local itching, for example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber, wool and so on.
Pruritus is a common skin disease. It is understood that the cause of the disease is complex and diverse, because many people do not pay attention to personal hygiene caused by bacterial invasion and cause skin itching, and specific reasons are those? In order to help you understand this knowledge, here we are together to discuss.
1. internal causes of pruritus
(1) visceral diseases
The stomach, intestines, liver, kidney and other organs have functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients often have generalized pruritus; some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides, and malignant lymphoma in patients with pruritus.
(2) neuropsychiatric disorders
Cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, skin itching neurasthenia can also occur systemic or localized, in common clinical patients with neurosis have some sort of illusion, think and feel itchy skin worms, some form the habit of scratching.
(3) endocrine disorders
Some women are often in pregnancy pruritus, usually in postpartum disappear, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause vulva pruritus, skin itching may reduce the elderly and sex hormone levels, thyroid disease can have pruritus.
In addition to this, infection of the lesion, drugs, diet (alcohol), food allergies, and infections of parasites or fungi can cause systemic or limited pruritus.
2. external factors can cause generalized or localized itching, temperature changes often cause skin itching, change of temperature in summer and winter pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to bedding is too hot, sudden onset of heat or cold may cause itching.
Mechanical friction or the stimulation of physical and chemical factors can cause local itching. For example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline soaps are too strong, and they wear synthetic wool and so on.
In addition, disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and other irritants can tickle local skin.
The above is for everyone to introduce some of the common causes of skin itching, I hope you can bear in mind. Although skin itching is not a major disease, it can also cause trouble for people's work and life. I hope you can pay attention to this disease. I wish you all good health.

Why suffer from a skin pruritus

In recent years, due to the change of living environment and influence, contributes to the pathogenesis of pruritus rate remains high, although not enough to pose a threat to people's body, but because of the symptoms of itching, normal life and health of patients with skin is added, and a lot of injury trouble. What are the causes of the skin pruritus? This is a question that everyone cares about.
A disease of the central nervous system: neurasthenia, cerebral arteriosclerosis patients often appear secondary symptoms of itching, when the tumor lesions in patients with severe, often cause severe itching symptoms lasting part of nose.
Two, endocrine disorders: causes of pruritus, endocrine disorders are a common cause. For example, patients with hyperthyroidism due to the skin blood circulation, skin temperature, cause skin itching symptoms, severe at night; patients with diabetes due to endocrine reasons, resulting in a decline in body resistance, easy to bacterial and fungal infections caused by this disease.
Three, high concentrations of cholic acid: if high concentrations of cholic acid in the blood, which can be deposited in the skin, thus become the cause of skin pruritus. Therefore, when life is found yellow skin and itching severe, we must pay attention to the hospital in time to check, in order to prevent the emergence of gallstones.
Four, high blood trace elements are too high: if the blood contains too much phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements, but also may cause skin itching symptoms. If the skin is dry at this time, and accompanied by urination discomfort symptoms, it is necessary to think of the possibility of kidney disease.
Many people don't know why I suffer from a skin pruritus, for reasons of skin pruritus, this paper has been introduced for everyone, hope to help patients with skin pruritus. Reminder: skin pruritus may also mean that other diseases, so we must actively and avoid more hurt.


What is the cause of pruritus

Pruritus is a disease that occurs in the skin with pruritus, as the name suggests, the patient's skin will feel very itchy, resulting in patients unable to work, or study. Then, the following is to explain what causes the occurrence of pruritus, hope can help you prevent this disease.
First, endocrine system diseases triggered
Suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism patients, usually happen skin pruritus, but this difference between the two, the earlier the itching symptoms appear, because patients skin is wet, so the summer will add to the symptoms; the itching symptoms appeared later, and the progression of the disease is slow, easily induced itching in winter.
Two, the digestive system disease caused
In the pathogenesis of pruritus, due to diseases of the digestive system can cause digestive malabsorption, which may lead to bile salt concentration in the blood and skin increased, and thus stimulate the nerve endings causing systemic skin itching. Some pregnant women during pregnancy because of the endocrine disorder, cause estrogen and progesterone increased, induced pruritus, general postpartum symptoms will disappear automatically.
Three, urinary and reproductive system diseases caused
Some patients with chronic nephritis, because blood in urine toxins and some other waste can not be discharged in vitro and in vivo, a large number of retention, and may result from the body with sweat, which may be due to stimulation of toxin causing systemic itching stubborn. Some girlfriends may also often due to irregular menstruation, leucorrhea increase, resulting in vulvar unclean and other factors lead to genital itching.
Introduces what is the reason for you induced pruritus, it seems that different people may be suffering from pruritus caused by various reasons. To understand the cause of pruritus, no matter for the prevention or treatment of pruritus, pruritus are of great help, so I hope you understand in detail the contents presented in this article.

What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Pruritus is a common skin disease on the patient's daily life will bring a lot of influence after suffering from skin pruritus. But many people do not know what is the cause of skin pruritus, so I do not know how to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Here we introduce home with what is the cause of skin pruritus.
The internal cause of pruritus
1, visceral organs: liver and kidney disease of gastrointestinal functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes and uremia liver disease patients often have generalized itching, some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymph tumor patients with skin pruritus.
2, nervous system disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia and spinal tuberculosis can also occur in systemic or localized skin pruritus in common clinical patients with neurosis, there are some skin worms and illusion that some form of scratching itch sleep habits, this is one of the main reasons for causing pruritus.
3, endocrine disorders: some women often have generally disappeared during pregnancy pruritus, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease in the postpartum, often cause vulva pruritus senile skin pruritus, may be related to sex hormone reduced thyroid disease patients may have symptoms of itching.
4, can cause change of generalized or localized temperature often cause skin itching, itching, change of temperature in summer and winter pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to attack suddenly heat or cold hot bedding may cause itching.
5, mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors of stimulation, can cause local itching, for example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber, wool and so on.
6. In addition, irritants such as disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and so on can make local skin itch.
Above all details of what is the cause of skin pruritus, to cause skin pruritus everyone should know. In ordinary life, we should according to the etiology of skin pruritus occurred to active prevention, when suffering from skin pruritus must cause enough attention, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Pruritus is a common skin disease on the patient's daily life will bring a lot of influence after suffering from skin pruritus. But many people do not know what is the cause of skin pruritus, so I do not know how to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Here we introduce home with what is the cause of skin pruritus.
The internal cause of pruritus
1, visceral organs: liver and kidney disease of gastrointestinal functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes and uremia liver disease patients often have generalized itching, some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymph tumor patients with skin pruritus.
2, nervous system disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia and spinal tuberculosis can also occur in systemic or localized skin pruritus in common clinical patients with neurosis, there are some skin worms and illusion that some form of scratching itch sleep habits, this is one of the main reasons for causing pruritus.
3, endocrine disorders: some women often have generally disappeared during pregnancy pruritus, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease in the postpartum, often cause vulva pruritus senile skin pruritus, may be related to sex hormone reduced thyroid disease patients may have symptoms of itching.
4, can cause change of generalized or localized temperature often cause skin itching, itching, change of temperature in summer and winter pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to attack suddenly heat or cold hot bedding may cause itching.
5, mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors of stimulation, can cause local itching, for example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber, wool and so on.
6. In addition, irritants such as disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and so on can make local skin itch.
Above all details of what is the cause of skin pruritus, to cause skin pruritus everyone should know. In ordinary life, we should according to the etiology of skin pruritus occurred to active prevention, when suffering from skin pruritus must cause enough attention, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What is the cause of female pruritus vulvae?

The vulva pruritus is a common symptom of female friends, life also have a lot of friends were troubled by the disease, but a lot of friends in an examination and treatment, but for the cause of female vulva pruritus is very confused, also bring a lot of inconvenience for future treatment. Therefore, a correct understanding of the problem is necessary.
First, sexual diseases
Because the body lacks vitamins, or is itself suffering from anemia, jaundice and other diseases, is also a cause of genital itching in women is an important part. For example, long-term suffering from diabetes, diabetes due to long-term stimulation of the vulva; or obese people, due to excessive secretion of sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and thus stimulate the vulva, it will cause the disease.
Two infectious diseases
As a result of Trichomonas infection or mold and other factors, leading to women suffering from gynecological diseases, resulting in significant increase in leucorrhea, inflammatory secretions, long-term stimulation of the vulva's skin and mucous membranes, and then cause itching. In addition, if you suffer from certain sexually transmitted diseases, it may cause the symptoms.
Three. Other factors
Due to long-term wear of chemical fiber underwear, or the use of substandard sanitary products, as well as systemic or genital areas such as allergies, may become the cause of female genital itching. At the same time, the pregnancy causes the vulva to be congested, as well as the Yin local pathological change, or is because the menstrual blood flows through the vagina, interferes with the normal vagina acid-base balance, also may cause the genitals discomfort.
For the cause of vulva itch I believe we have a certain understanding, if life once found himself suffering from the disease, must choose the regular outpatient treatment actively, strive for the early cure.


What are the causes of pruritus

Itchy skin is a common skin disease, the disease is very big impact on patients, not only itching intolerable, if not timely treatment will give patients a lot of discomfort, cause itchy skin is a lot, like endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases will cause skin itching, below look at the related introduction.
(1) visceral disease, kidney and other organs have gastrointestinal functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients often have generalized pruritus; some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, He Jie's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymphoma patients with pruritus.
(2) nervous system disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur in systemic or localized skin itching, in common clinical patients with neurosis have some sort of illusion, think and feel the skin itching, some insects develop the habit of scratching.
(3) the endocrine disorder, some women are often in pregnancy pruritus, usually in postpartum disappear, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause vulva pruritus, skin itching may reduce the elderly and sex hormone levels, thyroid disease patients may also have itching.
(4): the external skin pruritus caused by external factors can be generalized or localized itching, temperature changes often cause skin itching, to change the climate in winter and summer pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to heat or hot, bedding suddenly cold may cause itching.
The above is the cause of pruritus were introduced, the causes of visible skin pruritus is a lot, if you don't want to be bothered by itchy skin should avoid the above reasons caused by infection, in addition to outside for the first time, we have found yourself in skin itching when must be timely to the hospital for examination and treatment, to avoid the disease deterioration.

What are the causes of senile pruritus

Pruritus is one of common skin diseases, mainly in the elderly is the most common, with itching as the main feature, although it does not affect the physical health, but when the disease is unbearable, so that the disease should be timely treatment, so as not to give your life to bring more problems, so, what is the cause of the elderly skin pruritus?
Senile pruritus, associated with some incorrect habits, like too frequently used hot water bath, the use of a large alkaline soap, make originally dry skin sebum lost moisture, so this is the cause of senile skin pruritus by hand.
In the normal diet, many elderly people are mainly vegetarian and rarely eat high fat foods, but this is bad for health. Fats produce heat, help people fight the cold, and moisturize the skin. Have a moderate intake of high fat foods can prevent senile skin pruritus. Fatty foods are also beneficial for vitamin A and vitamin E intake. They have a protective effect on skin dryness and aging. Some elderly winter especially like drinking, intended to keep out the cold. But drink, body heat is only temporary, and more is to promote dry skin. So it is with spicy food.
The elderly are prone to pruritus, which not only has relationship between physiological changes and the elderly, but also has a close relation with some diseases, such as endocrine changes, indigestion and constipation, allergic factors, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, liver disease, tumor etc.. Therefore, senile pruritus should be comprehensive physical examination and related laboratory tests at the same time in the treatment of senile skin pruritus pruritus, this treatment should pay more attention to.
What is the cause of senile pruritus? Now we have an answer, if you are suffering from skin pruritus please as soon as possible to a regular hospital for consultation and treatment, so as to achieve the best treatment effect, so as not to delay the treatment to its impact, finally I wish you early rehabilitation.

What are the causes of pruritus

Pruritus is only one itching without primary lesions of skin disease, clinically divided into systemic pruritus and limitation of pruritus in type two. The etiology of this disease is complicated, systemic and chronic pruritus more visceral disease related to local adverse stimulus is often induce and aggravate the disease but also external, and the limitations of the pruritus closely.
1. of pruritus often many systemic diseases or symptoms associated with, such as uremia, biliary cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, diabetes, cancer and neurological pruritus etc.. The external environmental factors and systemic pruritus (including humidity, season, environment of biological or chemical stimulation) and topical drugs, the use of strong alkaline soap and patients with skin sebaceous glands and sweat gland secretion dysfunction caused by dry skin and so on.
The cause of 2. limitations of pruritus and sometimes the same systemic itching, such as diabetes. Anal pruritus associated with pinworm disease, hemorrhoids, anal fistula. Vulva pruritus associated with leucorrhea, vaginal trichomoniasis, vaginal fungal disease, gonorrhea and cervical cancer. Scrotal pruritus and local skin temperature high, sweating, friction, fungal infection related. Pruritus is mainly caused by the release of chemical mediators such as histamine, substance P, kallikrein, and protease.

What disease does dermatitis eczema cause?

In addition to its clinical manifestations, dermatitis and eczema can also cause other diseases. If recurrent, often associated with skin infection, exfoliative dermatitis, folliculitis, blepharitis, facial acne, rosacea, and mite dermatitis complications.

What tests do you need to test for dermatitis and eczema?

Dermatitis, eczema, in addition to skin examination, should also do the following inspection:
1 、 hematology and serology: peripheral blood eosinophilia, T lymphocyte (especially Ts) decreased, serum IgE content increased significantly.
2 、 skin test is positive for some allergens (such as fungi, pollen, hair crumbs) allergic reactions. Intradermal tests such as tuberculin and Candida (delayed hypersensitivity reactions) are often negative or weakly positive.
With a blunt zoned skin 3, white skin scratch test, skin white scratches (normal red).

How to prevent dry dermatitis, eczema?

Eczema is a common disease, I believe we are very understanding of dermatitis eczema, but dry dermatitis and eczema, most people do not know, a type of dry dermatitis and eczema is dermatitis and eczema disease, so it gives people the harm is relatively large, and we must pay attention to prevention, introduce the method of prevention dry dermatitis eczema:
How to prevent dry skin dermatitis eczema, experts said, mainly dry dermatitis and eczema and itching, often better during the day, but at night, take off clothes, children began to catch, even some of them have scratched the skin. Some children face redness, as well as small cuts and cracks. Unlike dermatitis and eczema, the skin can become white because of its dry skin. Usually on the shoulders, back, limbs and other parts of the child can appear. Serious, still can cause acute inflammation.
To dry dermatitis, eczema, the key must be moisturizing. Parents often give their children to apply moisturizing cream, moisturizing emulsion or oil, especially in the hands, after bathing, to give the child's cheek, lateral limbs, shoulder and back, belly and buttocks so easy to dry parts of the multi coated, maintain the delicate skin moisture.
At the same time, experts advise parents to pay attention to take children to outdoor activities, as far as possible shelter, don't let autumn and winter cold wind blowing directly to the child. And don't expose your child to the sun. Secondly, a reasonable diet will help maintain healthy and delicate skin of the baby, it is best to give more water to children, eat more eggs, carrots, green leafy vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin B.
Wash your baby is not the number of times, the key is to choose the right method. Experts said, for good insulation environment family, you can insist on taking a bath every day, but pay attention to the water temperature should not be too high. Use 1-2 times a week usually bath, rinse with water, do not give children.
The above is the specific method of how to prevent dry skin dermatitis eczema, dermatitis and eczema dry brings some harm to the patient, if found suffering from dermatitis and eczema this disease, must be timely treatment to normal hospital, I hope the above can help us as soon as possible to get rid of it by.


How should dermatitis and eczema be prevented?

Dermatitis, eczema in the acute phase, due to intradermal telangiectasia, there will be varying degrees of skin redness, papules, blisters. Wash with hot water or soak, swelling increased, infiltration liquid increased, aggravating illness. Therefore, patients with dermatitis and eczema should use warm water shower, avoid soaking in hot water and rubbing it vigorously. In addition, dermatitis patients in daily care should pay attention to the following points:
First, avoid excitant food
Pepper, wine, tea, coffee and other stimulating food, itching can increase, easy to increase or recurrence of eczema, should be taboo.
Two, avoid scratching
Scratching can cause the skin to continue to suffer mechanical irritation and become thick and even cause infection. Scratch also plays a strengthening role, the more patients scratch more itching, more itching, the more grasping, forming a vicious cycle, the course of illness thus extended.
Three, avoid soap washing
Especially alkaline soap, on the skin is a chemical stimulus, can make dermatitis, eczema aggravating. If you need soap decontamination, it is best to choose small irritating boric acid soap.
Four, avoid blind medication
Dermatitis, eczema, longer course, easy to relapse, patients should cooperate with the doctor patient treatment. Some people are eager to treat, without the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, in the skin lesions coated with high concentrations of antipruritic drugs, but aggravate the condition. Therefore, we must avoid unauthorized use of drugs.
Five, avoid hot water
Dermatitis, eczema in the acute phase, due to intradermal telangiectasia, there will be varying degrees of skin redness, papules, blisters. Wash with hot water or soak, swelling increased, infiltration liquid increased, aggravating illness. Therefore, patients with dermatitis and eczema should use warm water shower, avoid soaking in hot water and rubbing it vigorously.

What does dermatitis eczema patient eat better?

Eczema is a common skin disease, the disease harm to human body skin is relatively large, so we must treat it in consciousness, the usual time should also have the correct methods of prevention. What is the prevention of dermatitis and eczema in the end? The following to introduce to you:
For patients with dermatitis, eczema, what vegetables to eat better, experts say, dermatitis, eczema, it belongs to an allergic allergy caused by the disease, its incentives can be divided into external causes and internal causes. External common in the food of fish, shrimp, meat allergy; inhalation aspects such as pollen, dust mites and other micro-organisms such as skin allergy; Streptococcus pyogenes and superficial fungal infections; living environment, such as sunshine, hot and dry, all kinds of animal fur and dander and various chemical substances such as cosmetics, soap, synthetic fiber etc.. The internal factors for chronic infection such as chronic cholecystitis, tonsillitis, intestinal parasitic diseases; change of endocrine and metabolic factors such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy; blood circulation disorders such as varicose leg leg induced dermatitis and eczema; neuropsychiatric factors are closely related to the occurrence of this disease, such as mental stress fatigue. Individual allergies are also important. The susceptibility of individuals to various factors is related to tolerance and heredity, and is enhanced or weakened by physiological or disease physiology. The following specific talk about dermatitis, eczema, patients eat vegetables better:
1 bitter gourd: bitter gourd contains quinine. With heat clearing and detoxicating, removing dampness and relieving itching. Can be used for treating disorders of toxic heat, boils, prickly heat, eczema etc..
2: tomato: dermatitis, eczema patients eat more vegetables, tomatoes are rich in vitamins, niacin, also contains malic acid, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and tomato and other substances. Having a cough fluid, Jianweixiaoshi, cooling blood and liver, heat and other effects. Tomato fruit has a protective effect of vitamin, it can effectively supplement the vitamin; tomato base has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, reduce vascular permeability, so Tomato Juice topical treatment of dermatitis and eczema itching can play the role of convergence.
The skin has eczema after the formation, treatment, scientific will need to seize the time in patients with dermatitis and eczema disease to skin disease hospital for physical diseases at the same time, with their physician to do dermatitis and eczema daily health care measures, eat some of dermatitis and eczema disease treatment of food to help, so that we can fight for flowers at the time, oneself cure dermatitis eczema.
The above is about dermatitis, eczema patients diet recommendations, patients must develop good habits, but also in the usual life, pay attention to reasonable arrangements for diet, sleep and so on. Early for dermatitis, eczema treatment, as soon as possible to get rid of its interference. Hope that the above introduction can help you. Wish the patients recover soon.

What does the dietotherapy method of dermatitis eczema have?

Eczema is a common disease, suffering from dermatitis and eczema will bring to life a lot of inconvenience, so we must actively treatment, actually diet therapy is very effective, so the therapeutic method of dermatitis in the common life of eczema what? Under specific introduce:
What a cake, Sanren dermatitis and eczema disease therapeutic method? Material: Wheat (ren) powder 200 grams, 15 grams of walnuts (grinding), 20 grams of Peanut (grinding), Fuling cake Sanren powder 100 grams, fermentation powder.
Method of making: first, the wheat flour, Poria powder and evenly, add water into a paste, and then add baking powder, mix well, the walnut kernel, peanut kernels mixed into the dough, made into cakes, baked into the oven.
Features: wheat, sweet, cool, nourishing kidney, tonifying spleen and stomach; Fuling flavour, Ping, spleen and stomach, Lee water wet; peanut sweet, flat, nourishing and moistening, nourishing spleen and stomach; walnut sweet, warm, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney. The raw materials are matched and made into cakes to be eaten regularly, and the purposes of nourishing blood, moistening dryness, nourishing yin and removing dermatitis and eczema can be achieved.
What two, mushroom soup amaranth dermatitis and eczema disease therapeutic method? Recipe: 200 grams of mushrooms, winter amaranth 300 grams, 25 grams of bamboo shoots.
Method: wash mushrooms into the bowl, cage steam for 15 minutes. Winter amaranth choose good wash. Sliced Bamboo shoots. Each on a wok, heat the oil into edible mushrooms, stir fry under half a minute, reentry bamboo shoots, stir fry amaranth, add salt, broth Shaofei, monosodium glutamate, pepper wok is.
Usage: eat drink soup
Effect: heat dampness, cooling blood and relieving itching.
Taboo: spleen loose stools should not eat.
Indications: treatment of dermatitis and eczema. The symptoms of skin flushing, erythema, moist or oozing, severe itching etc..
If a simple diet can be annoying dermatitis, eczema completely cured, I believe many people will not hesitate to choose this method. Do not take medicine, not dressing, as long as two simple therapeutic side is enough. If your dermatitis eczema is not very serious, as long as in accordance with the above recipe for a planned diet, I believe it will soon heal.
Dermatitis eczema treatment methods introduced here, I believe we have a certain understanding, and remind everyone is to develop good habits and habits, and maintain a good life. I hope you can have a healthy body, but also wish patients recover at an early date and get rid of the disease as soon as possible.


What should the patient of dermatitis eczema treat in dietary respect?

The diet is very helpful for the treatment of dermatitis and eczema, dermatitis and eczema have brought a lot of trouble to the patients, so we must be timely treatment, in fact, for scientific and reasonable diet on disease is very effective. Here are some patients with dermatitis and eczema in the diet should pay attention to matters:
Can not eat foods rich in protein: such as milk, eggs, etc.; seafood such as onions, garlic, onions, lamb, etc.; which has a special pungent food, such as pepper, wine, mustard, pepper, ginger and so on.
Can not eat raw food, such as onions, garlic, tomatoes, eating some shell fruit, such as almonds, walnuts, chestnuts and some fruits, such as peaches, grapes, banana, pineapple, litchi, longan, mango and strawberry etc..
Can not eat food rich in bacteria: such as dead fish, dead shrimp, crab meat is not fresh and dead, some rich fungi food, such as mushrooms, vinegar lees, etc..
Don't eat rich in protein and is not easy to digest food: such as clams, squid, cuttlefish, etc.; seed foods, such as beans, peanuts, sesame etc..
Histamine contents of food containing high histamine compositions in banana, pineapple, eggplant, Wine, yeast, chicken liver, beef, sausage also contains a very high histamine caused dermatitis and eczema, dermatitis and eczema patients can not eat.
After the skin disease dermatitis and eczema, dermatitis and eczema patients must ensure the diet health of patients to eat some healthy food, for the treatment of auxiliary body dermatitis and eczema disease, which will be the body of Pi Yanshi rash cure of the disease in a relatively short period of time. In the process of disease treatment, attention should be paid to routine care of dermatitis and eczema.
The above is related with dermatitis and eczema in the diet should pay attention to the matter, I believe we understand very clearly, here to remind you that if found suffering from this disease, must be early detection and early treatment, so as not to cause more serious consequences. I hope you will soon be well again.

Eczema diet taboo

Dermatitis and eczema patients diet to light, easy to digest, eat Vegetable & Fruit, reasonable collocation diet should be fasting pepper, wine, tea, coffee and other food stimulation, in addition, can make itching worse easily aggravate eczema or relapse, should be taboo.

Syndrome differentiation and treatment of dermatitis and eczema

Dermatitis and eczema were divided into acute eczema, subacute eczema and chronic eczema, treatment for acute eczema: hot and humid and Sheng Zhi Yi, qingrequshi, with Longdan Xiegan Decoction; subacute eczema than spleen dampness, expelling spleen dampness, with Chushi Weiling Decoction; chronic eczema more blood deficiency and wind dryness appropriate treatment, nourishing and moisturizing, with Siwu Xiaofeng san. Chinese traditional medicine of acute eczema use fresh purslane Decoction; subacute eczema Qingdai powder plus sesame oil into a paste and apply to affected area; chronic eczema eczema ointment topical ointment of Gastrodia elata.


Western medicine treatment of dermatitis and eczema routine method

At present, Western medicine has no special effect on eczema therapy, more use of symptomatic treatment. To oral administration of antihistamines for treatment, such as diphenhydramine, phenergan, chlorpheniramine, cyproheptadine, etc., can be used alone or in combination, but also with sedatives, vitamin C and so on.
Topical dosage form based on the performance of clinical lesions may be, such as swelling obvious, exudation should be selected solution cold and wet compress, erythema, pimples when available lotion, emulsion, mud paste, oil, etc .; was blisters, Oil agent; performance for the scales, scab with ointment; if moss-like changes in the choice of mud paste, ointment, emulsion, coating agent, tincture and cream and so on.

What are the typical symptoms of dermatitis and eczema?

Dermatitis and eczema was pleomorphic, according to the performance characteristics of lesions are divided into acute, subacute and chronic eczema three. Rash can occur in any part, but the exposed parts and flexion side is more common; rash is often symmetrical distribution; conscious itching severe; course of irregular, often recurrent, persistent refractory; common parts of eczema with eczema, Hand, foot eczema, breast eczema, anal genital eczema, calf eczema and so on.

1, acute eczema

Acute eczema for the majority of miliary red papules, Qiu herpes or blisters, accompanied by a clear point or small pieces of erosion, exudate, scab. Damage state is unclear. When combined with infection can occur pustules, purulent exudation and scab and so on.

2, subacute eczema

Subacute eczema often due to improper treatment of acute injury damage, lesions with red pimples, rash, scales or scab-based, both a few Qiu herpes or blisters and erosive exudate.

3, chronic eczema

Chronic eczema and more acute, subacute eczema repeated unhealed from the skin lesions for the dark red or brown red spots or maculopapular rash, often thickening was lichen planosa, surface scales, scratches and scabs, around Scattered in a few pimples, rash and other pimples. Skin lesions in a certain incentive can be acute attack.

What are the causes of dermatitis and eczema?

In life, dermatitis and eczema a stubborn skin disease, the disease to the patient caused a great impact, treatment has great difficulties, and patients in the control of the disease, if improper care can lead to repeated attacks of the disease. For this disease, the patient should identify the cause of their own illness, take the appropriate treatment, then what is the cause of dermatitis and eczema? details as follows:
First, the infection factor
Clinically, dermatitis and eczema in patients with the survey found that many patients are due to infection and lead to the disease, so that dermatitis and eczema the occurrence of this disease is inseparable from the impact of infection. In life, usually infected dermatitis caused by dermatitis is mainly microbial infection, such as a variety of mold, infection caused by dermatitis eczema is very common, people should pay more attention in life.
Second, the infection of the disease
In life, patients get other diseases, if the treatment is not timely will induce dermatitis eczema. Major chronic infectious diseases, such as chronic cholecystitis, intestinal parasites and so on. In addition, for women, endocrine and metabolic changes such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy and other factors can lead to dermatitis and eczema, while the patient's mental factors is also a major factor affecting the disease, the patient in the course of treatment should pay attention.
Third, environmental factors
With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the survival of the environment has been increasingly damaged, which is often the main reason for the occurrence of many diseases. In life, air, water, soil and other large areas of pollen vegetation, may lead to the onset of the disease. In addition, people's living environment also affects the occurrence of this disease, especially man-made fabrics, artificial food, man-made building components, etc., while the combustion of these substances and other gases may induce the onset of the disease.