
What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Pruritus is a common skin disease on the patient's daily life will bring a lot of influence after suffering from skin pruritus. But many people do not know what is the cause of skin pruritus, so I do not know how to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Here we introduce home with what is the cause of skin pruritus.
The internal cause of pruritus
1, visceral organs: liver and kidney disease of gastrointestinal functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes and uremia liver disease patients often have generalized itching, some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymph tumor patients with skin pruritus.
2, nervous system disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia and spinal tuberculosis can also occur in systemic or localized skin pruritus in common clinical patients with neurosis, there are some skin worms and illusion that some form of scratching itch sleep habits, this is one of the main reasons for causing pruritus.
3, endocrine disorders: some women often have generally disappeared during pregnancy pruritus, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease in the postpartum, often cause vulva pruritus senile skin pruritus, may be related to sex hormone reduced thyroid disease patients may have symptoms of itching.
4, can cause change of generalized or localized temperature often cause skin itching, itching, change of temperature in summer and winter pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to attack suddenly heat or cold hot bedding may cause itching.
5, mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors of stimulation, can cause local itching, for example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber, wool and so on.
6. In addition, irritants such as disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and so on can make local skin itch.
Above all details of what is the cause of skin pruritus, to cause skin pruritus everyone should know. In ordinary life, we should according to the etiology of skin pruritus occurred to active prevention, when suffering from skin pruritus must cause enough attention, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

