
What are the causes of dermatitis and eczema?

In life, dermatitis and eczema a stubborn skin disease, the disease to the patient caused a great impact, treatment has great difficulties, and patients in the control of the disease, if improper care can lead to repeated attacks of the disease. For this disease, the patient should identify the cause of their own illness, take the appropriate treatment, then what is the cause of dermatitis and eczema? details as follows:
First, the infection factor
Clinically, dermatitis and eczema in patients with the survey found that many patients are due to infection and lead to the disease, so that dermatitis and eczema the occurrence of this disease is inseparable from the impact of infection. In life, usually infected dermatitis caused by dermatitis is mainly microbial infection, such as a variety of mold, infection caused by dermatitis eczema is very common, people should pay more attention in life.
Second, the infection of the disease
In life, patients get other diseases, if the treatment is not timely will induce dermatitis eczema. Major chronic infectious diseases, such as chronic cholecystitis, intestinal parasites and so on. In addition, for women, endocrine and metabolic changes such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy and other factors can lead to dermatitis and eczema, while the patient's mental factors is also a major factor affecting the disease, the patient in the course of treatment should pay attention.
Third, environmental factors
With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the survival of the environment has been increasingly damaged, which is often the main reason for the occurrence of many diseases. In life, air, water, soil and other large areas of pollen vegetation, may lead to the onset of the disease. In addition, people's living environment also affects the occurrence of this disease, especially man-made fabrics, artificial food, man-made building components, etc., while the combustion of these substances and other gases may induce the onset of the disease.

