
Syndrome differentiation and treatment of dermatitis and eczema

Dermatitis and eczema were divided into acute eczema, subacute eczema and chronic eczema, treatment for acute eczema: hot and humid and Sheng Zhi Yi, qingrequshi, with Longdan Xiegan Decoction; subacute eczema than spleen dampness, expelling spleen dampness, with Chushi Weiling Decoction; chronic eczema more blood deficiency and wind dryness appropriate treatment, nourishing and moisturizing, with Siwu Xiaofeng san. Chinese traditional medicine of acute eczema use fresh purslane Decoction; subacute eczema Qingdai powder plus sesame oil into a paste and apply to affected area; chronic eczema eczema ointment topical ointment of Gastrodia elata.

