
What does the dietotherapy method of dermatitis eczema have?

Eczema is a common disease, suffering from dermatitis and eczema will bring to life a lot of inconvenience, so we must actively treatment, actually diet therapy is very effective, so the therapeutic method of dermatitis in the common life of eczema what? Under specific introduce:
What a cake, Sanren dermatitis and eczema disease therapeutic method? Material: Wheat (ren) powder 200 grams, 15 grams of walnuts (grinding), 20 grams of Peanut (grinding), Fuling cake Sanren powder 100 grams, fermentation powder.
Method of making: first, the wheat flour, Poria powder and evenly, add water into a paste, and then add baking powder, mix well, the walnut kernel, peanut kernels mixed into the dough, made into cakes, baked into the oven.
Features: wheat, sweet, cool, nourishing kidney, tonifying spleen and stomach; Fuling flavour, Ping, spleen and stomach, Lee water wet; peanut sweet, flat, nourishing and moistening, nourishing spleen and stomach; walnut sweet, warm, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney. The raw materials are matched and made into cakes to be eaten regularly, and the purposes of nourishing blood, moistening dryness, nourishing yin and removing dermatitis and eczema can be achieved.
What two, mushroom soup amaranth dermatitis and eczema disease therapeutic method? Recipe: 200 grams of mushrooms, winter amaranth 300 grams, 25 grams of bamboo shoots.
Method: wash mushrooms into the bowl, cage steam for 15 minutes. Winter amaranth choose good wash. Sliced Bamboo shoots. Each on a wok, heat the oil into edible mushrooms, stir fry under half a minute, reentry bamboo shoots, stir fry amaranth, add salt, broth Shaofei, monosodium glutamate, pepper wok is.
Usage: eat drink soup
Effect: heat dampness, cooling blood and relieving itching.
Taboo: spleen loose stools should not eat.
Indications: treatment of dermatitis and eczema. The symptoms of skin flushing, erythema, moist or oozing, severe itching etc..
If a simple diet can be annoying dermatitis, eczema completely cured, I believe many people will not hesitate to choose this method. Do not take medicine, not dressing, as long as two simple therapeutic side is enough. If your dermatitis eczema is not very serious, as long as in accordance with the above recipe for a planned diet, I believe it will soon heal.
Dermatitis eczema treatment methods introduced here, I believe we have a certain understanding, and remind everyone is to develop good habits and habits, and maintain a good life. I hope you can have a healthy body, but also wish patients recover at an early date and get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

