
What are the causes of pruritus

Itchy skin is a common skin disease, the disease is very big impact on patients, not only itching intolerable, if not timely treatment will give patients a lot of discomfort, cause itchy skin is a lot, like endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, neurological diseases will cause skin itching, below look at the related introduction.
(1) visceral disease, kidney and other organs have gastrointestinal functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients often have generalized pruritus; some tumors such as leukemia, lymphoma, He Jie's disease, mycosis fungoides and malignant lymphoma patients with pruritus.
(2) nervous system disorders, cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur in systemic or localized skin itching, in common clinical patients with neurosis have some sort of illusion, think and feel the skin itching, some insects develop the habit of scratching.
(3) the endocrine disorder, some women are often in pregnancy pruritus, usually in postpartum disappear, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause vulva pruritus, skin itching may reduce the elderly and sex hormone levels, thyroid disease patients may also have itching.
(4): the external skin pruritus caused by external factors can be generalized or localized itching, temperature changes often cause skin itching, to change the climate in winter and summer pruritus pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to heat or hot, bedding suddenly cold may cause itching.
The above is the cause of pruritus were introduced, the causes of visible skin pruritus is a lot, if you don't want to be bothered by itchy skin should avoid the above reasons caused by infection, in addition to outside for the first time, we have found yourself in skin itching when must be timely to the hospital for examination and treatment, to avoid the disease deterioration.

