
How should dermatitis and eczema be prevented?

Dermatitis, eczema in the acute phase, due to intradermal telangiectasia, there will be varying degrees of skin redness, papules, blisters. Wash with hot water or soak, swelling increased, infiltration liquid increased, aggravating illness. Therefore, patients with dermatitis and eczema should use warm water shower, avoid soaking in hot water and rubbing it vigorously. In addition, dermatitis patients in daily care should pay attention to the following points:
First, avoid excitant food
Pepper, wine, tea, coffee and other stimulating food, itching can increase, easy to increase or recurrence of eczema, should be taboo.
Two, avoid scratching
Scratching can cause the skin to continue to suffer mechanical irritation and become thick and even cause infection. Scratch also plays a strengthening role, the more patients scratch more itching, more itching, the more grasping, forming a vicious cycle, the course of illness thus extended.
Three, avoid soap washing
Especially alkaline soap, on the skin is a chemical stimulus, can make dermatitis, eczema aggravating. If you need soap decontamination, it is best to choose small irritating boric acid soap.
Four, avoid blind medication
Dermatitis, eczema, longer course, easy to relapse, patients should cooperate with the doctor patient treatment. Some people are eager to treat, without the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, in the skin lesions coated with high concentrations of antipruritic drugs, but aggravate the condition. Therefore, we must avoid unauthorized use of drugs.
Five, avoid hot water
Dermatitis, eczema in the acute phase, due to intradermal telangiectasia, there will be varying degrees of skin redness, papules, blisters. Wash with hot water or soak, swelling increased, infiltration liquid increased, aggravating illness. Therefore, patients with dermatitis and eczema should use warm water shower, avoid soaking in hot water and rubbing it vigorously.

