
What are the causes of pruritus

Pruritus is only one itching without primary lesions of skin disease, clinically divided into systemic pruritus and limitation of pruritus in type two. The etiology of this disease is complicated, systemic and chronic pruritus more visceral disease related to local adverse stimulus is often induce and aggravate the disease but also external, and the limitations of the pruritus closely.
1. of pruritus often many systemic diseases or symptoms associated with, such as uremia, biliary cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, diabetes, cancer and neurological pruritus etc.. The external environmental factors and systemic pruritus (including humidity, season, environment of biological or chemical stimulation) and topical drugs, the use of strong alkaline soap and patients with skin sebaceous glands and sweat gland secretion dysfunction caused by dry skin and so on.
The cause of 2. limitations of pruritus and sometimes the same systemic itching, such as diabetes. Anal pruritus associated with pinworm disease, hemorrhoids, anal fistula. Vulva pruritus associated with leucorrhea, vaginal trichomoniasis, vaginal fungal disease, gonorrhea and cervical cancer. Scrotal pruritus and local skin temperature high, sweating, friction, fungal infection related. Pruritus is mainly caused by the release of chemical mediators such as histamine, substance P, kallikrein, and protease.

