
Nursing methods of skin pruritus in children

Skin pruritus is a common skin disease, regardless of the age of the crowd sick, will give patients a great impact. Especially in children, as parents should pay special attention to its treatment, so as not to bring great harm to patients. In the treatment of the disease at the same time, parents have to pay attention to children's skin pruritus care work.
First, keep the patient's skin clean, it is best to use warm water bath, may be appropriate to use some children's bath and soap to help children remove the skin on the aging of the stratum corneum, dirt and so on. At the same time in children's skin pruritus care, if the patient is the best dry skin without soap, so as not to dry skin more dry.
Second, in the bath, especially pay attention to cleaning some hidden parts, such as the ear, armpit, and other places clean; for patients underwear, bedding and other personal products is best not to use alkaline soap or detergent to wash, wash After the net should pay attention to the clothes rinse, so as not to stimulate the skin.
Third, in children's skin pruritus care should pay attention to the patient's diaper, clothing, bedding is the best choice of soft cotton material, because the chemical fiber, nylon and wool and other products easily lead to allergies; Accidental trauma and other factors caused by wound scab, can choose to let themselves fall off or softened with a clean cotton ball wipe; children cut hair is best to use their own scissors and tools to avoid being infected with tinea pedis and other diseases,
Children suffering from the disease, please be at the same time in the treatment of children with skin pruritus care work to promote the recovery of the disease, to avoid exacerbations, to patients with unnecessary harm and distress.

What is the symptom of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus is a kind of skin disease we often hear, hear the name of the disease, we can know that it will produce a kind of itching, but the specific itching appears where the degree is how, we are not know. What exactly is the symptom of skin pruritus in the end? The following experts to answer this question for everyone.
       Skin pruritus is a skin disease that feels itchy in the skin without the primary damage. Clinically can be divided into two types of systemic and local limitations, the latter most of which are confined to the anus and genitalia. The cause of skin itching is complex and diverse, the pathogenesis of the disease has not yet fully understood.
       The common cause of systemic skin itching is endocrine disorders and winter itching, the emergence of liver and kidney disease, the emergence of malignant tumors, as well as the spirit of the factors can also lead to itching, excessive cleaning of the skin leading to skin degreasing and drying Itching.
       What is the symptom of skin pruritus? One, there was a sharp itching: can be in the body or confined to the anus, scrotum or female genitals appear. Itching is a burst of appearances, itching sensation is intense, often intensified at night, the impact on the quality of sleep. Due to itching sensation, the patient often hand scratching.
       What is the symptom of skin pruritus? Second, there have been secondary skin lesions: the patient because of excessive scratches and scratches, blood stasis, time can occur eczema, moss-like changes and skin pigmentation occurred calm.
       Skin pruritus is a lot of suffering from a disease, the symptoms of skin pruritus is how the above has been introduced, and now we have a certain understanding of the bar. Skin pruritus on the patient's life will cause a lot of impact, will lead to the patient can not concentrate on the work or learning, so be sure to timely treatment.

What are the types of pruritus?

Pruritus is a very common disease in daily life, the occurrence of pruritus to the patient caused a lot of trouble. Work people suffering from pruritus, work will be affected, people who suffer from itching, will be unable to concentrate on lectures. In fact, there are many types of pruritus, the following we introduce some types of pruritus.
Pruritus is the most common age of winter itching, the reason for the elderly due to gonadal and endocrine dysfunction, sebaceous glands and sweat glands atrophy, so that the skin is too dry, shrinking the distribution of nerve endings in the skin of the aging of the sensor, to the central issue of the same Stimulate the signal, causing skin pruritus, especially for the winter.
There are some skin pruritus, especially obvious, persistent or recurrent itching, but no any first or concurrent with the rash, then mostly a variety of diseases of the signal should be promptly to the hospital for treatment, as early as treatment, so as not to lead to Serious illness. Here, we recognize the common types of skin pruritus.
Common types of skin pruritus are the following three types:
1, infectious itching: rural areas and other poor health conditions in areas often scabies mites caused by itching, confined to the fingers, toes and ankles, serious throughout the body, more difficult to cure.
2, drug-induced itching: more common in the frail, a variety of drugs cross the old use of the old number, many oral and injection of substances can cause skin allergies occur itching, combined with medication more likely to occur. Is a common type of skin pruritus.
3, addiction itching: drug addiction are suffering from "delusional skin parasitic disease", that is, the illusion of subcutaneous insects in the climbing feeling, manifested as skin pruritus uncomfortable, this is the drug addiction after the skin illusion.
Here we introduce some types of pruritus, these types of pruritus you should understand. Xiaobian remind you, suffering from pruritus, do not blindly smear their own drugs, should go to the hospital as soon as possible to do scientific examination, listen to the doctor's advice, take reasonable treatment measures.


What are the symptoms of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus is prone to disease in the elderly, the patient's skin area of ​​severe itching, and sometimes itching unbearable, a long time without treatment will be repeated attacks, is a long-term troubled patient life of a disease, to understand the skin pruritus Symptoms, early detection of disease, timely treatment is the key.
Skin pruritus symptoms can be divided into systemic and localized, specifically look at the details:
Systemic skin pruritus symptoms: systemic skin pruritus patients all over the body itchy feeling, itchy often from one place to another, but not the body while itching. The degree of itching the patient is not the same, some symptoms of light, although itchy, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, brush with a brush or hot water hot skin until the skin bleeding pain and burning, Itchy mind temporarily reduced.
Limitations of skin pruritus symptoms: common in the anus, genitals and other local only conscious itching symptoms, no rash appears, the course of time can lead to skin thickening, eczema-like changes.
Anal canal and anus around the stubborn itching is the main symptoms of the disease, the beginning of the general limited to the anus around the skin pruritus, mostly paroxysmal, the degree of severity of itching, if long-term cure, can spread to the scrotum Or labia, even more significant at night, such as insect climb, mosquito bites, people can not stand.
Skin pruritus symptoms are more obvious, but many people are not very understanding of these symptoms. Above has been introduced to the symptoms of skin pruritus, we all know it Suffering from skin pruritus, at night will also seriously affect the patient sleep, so for health as soon as possible treatment.

What is the performance of pruritus and how to diagnose?

According to the scope of itching, the disease is divided into systemic or limited.
1. systemic pruritus (pruritus universalis) patients all over the body are itchy feeling, but not the body at the same time itchy, often moved from one place to another. The degree of itching is not the same, although some people feel itchy skin, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, need to use iron brush brush skin or hot water wash until the skin bleeding and feel pain and burning, Itchy mind temporarily reduced. Often with itchy at night, the patient because of itching and insomnia or can not sleep. Due to severe itching, and constantly scratching, there may be scratches, blood scab, or strip of scratches, sometimes eczema-like changes, moss-like change or pigmentation. Scratched skin is also susceptible to infection and boil or folliculitis.
Elderly pruritus occurs in the elderly are often the most itchy trunk; winter pruritus appears in the cold season, due to cold induced, the patient often get out of sleep, began to feel the anterolateral medial side, calf and other parts of the severe itching, , And the more itchy grasping, until the local bleeding so far.
2. limitations of pruritus clinical more common in the anus, female and scrotum and other parts
(1) anal pruritus is the most common localized pruritus, more common in middle-aged men, often confined to the anus around, and sometimes spread to the scrotum forward, back to the gluteal groove on both sides, women can also disease, children suffering from pin Insects can also cause anal pruritus. Anus around the skin often pale or pale white dipping, anal folds hypertrophy, due to scratch and radial chapped; sometimes secondary infection; prolonged skin around the anus thickening, and become moss, can also occur pigment calm.
(2) female Yin itching occurs mainly in the labia majora and labia minora, Yin Fu and clitoris can also occur, because itching often scratching, vulvar skin hypertrophy, was gray and white impregnated, clitoris and vaginal mucosa swelling and erosion.
(3) scrotum itching itching occurs in the scrotum, but also can affect the penis or anus. Due to continuous scratching, scrotal skin hypertrophy, and pigment changes, or moss-like change, and some patients can see erosion, exudation and scab and eczema-like changes.

What are the typical symptoms of pruritus

The typical symptoms of skin pruritus are as follows:
(A) limitations of pruritus common in the anus, pussy, local only conscious itching, no rash, the course of time can cause skin thickening, eczema-like changes. Anal canal and anus around the stubborn itching is the main symptoms of the disease, the beginning is generally limited to the anus around the skin itching, mostly paroxysmal, the degree of severity of itching, such as long-term unhealed, and some can spread to the scrotum or The labia, especially in the perineum, before and after the interrupted itch more even more significant at night, sometimes as insects climb, ants go; sometimes mosquito bites, roast, people difficult to sleep, restless, unable to endure.
(B) systemic pruritus patients all over the body are itchy feeling, but not the body at the same time itchy, often moved from one place to another. The degree of itching is not the same, some people certainly feel itchy skin, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, need to use iron brush brush skin or hot water wash until the skin bleeding and feel pain and burning, Itchy mind temporarily reduced.


The cause of pruritus

Knowing the cause of some diseases can help us to avoid those causes as much as possible, making it possible to stay as far as possible from these diseases. However, many people do not understand the cause of the disease, which lacks the power of disease control. So, we have to know some of the causes of pruritus. The following is the relevant introduction.
Itching is a kind of self-conspiracy that occurs in the skin and causes scratching. The cause of itching is complicated. The causative factors include internal or external factors, or both.
1. Internal causes of systemic pruritus
(1) visceral disease stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and other internal organs of functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients, often with generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia, Lymphosarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides, and malignant lymphoma in patients with skin itching.
(2) neuropsychiatric system disorders cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur systemic or limited local skin itching. Common in clinical neurosis patients have some illusion that the skin has insects and itchy, and some develop the habit of scratching.
(3) endocrine disorders Some women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause female genital itching. Older skin itching may be associated with decreased levels of sex hormones in the body. Thyroid disease patients can have pruritus.
In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcoholism), food allergy and parasitic or fungal infections can cause systemic or localized itching.
2. External causes can cause generalized or limited localized itching. Changes in temperature often cause itching of the skin, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. Bedding is too hot, suddenly heat or cold may cause itching attack.
Mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors can stimulate the local cause of itching. For example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber wool and so on.
In addition disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and other irritants can make local skin itching.
Through the above causes of pruritus, I believe many people in this area has a lot of experience. Understand and familiar with these causes, to remind people around in this regard to give the necessary attention, the only way to as much as possible to reduce the incidence of the disease. Thank you for reading the article Xiaobian, I hope this article can help you.

What is the cause of skin pruritus?

With the people around the skin with pruritus more and more, also led to a lot of people are afraid of this disease. Suffering from the disease after the local or systemic itching it, so more and more people in order to prevent the disease are asking the cause of skin pruritus, the following experts to ask the hospital to introduce the next.
Skin pruritus is mainly divided into localized pruritus and systemic pruritus, the cause of skin pruritus are internal and external causes:
First, the limitations of pruritus: This is mainly due to pinworm, vaginal trichomoniasis, hemorrhoids fistula, Candida infection caused.
Second, systemic pruritus: systemic pruritus caused by systemic diseases such as diabetic nephropathy, etc., may also be due to dry skin or physical and chemical factors. Pruritus patients are generally conscious of the symptoms, the reasons are more complex, but mainly because of internal and external factors.
Skin pruritus internal cause:
1, like some visceral disease patients, especially in patients with diabetes, often occur in this systemic pruritus. Followed by some tumors such as leukemia, malignant lymphoma and other patients may also cause skin itching, so if you find these patients have to prevent these diseases, itching, after all, the cause of skin pruritus is the main.
2, nervous or mental disorders are also likely to suffer from the disease patients, neurasthenia can also cause pruritus. These patients often produce some kind of illusion, will think that their skin has insects bite.
3, endocrine disorders in some women in pregnancy often pruritus, but generally will disappear in the postpartum, if it is menstrual disorders may also cause female genital itching.
In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcoholism), food allergy and parasitic or fungal infections can cause systemic or localized itching.
Skin pruritus external causes:
1, external causes generally cause limitations of pruritus, the temperature changes on the impact of patients, so that patients are very sensitive to temperature, sudden heat or hand cold may cause pruritus attack.
2, followed by some mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors may also cause localized pruritus. In addition, insecticides and other stimuli may also cause disease.
The above content describes the cause of skin pruritus what. These are to be understood, as long as the understanding of the cause can be better to prevent, only to understand the disease in order to better care and treatment. This is the main prevention, if not careful suffering from skin pruritus must be treated in time not to delay.

What is the cause of vulvar pruritus?

Female genital itching is a common disease, female genital is an important part of the female body, but also relatively fragile and sensitive parts, it is easy to cause infection, then lead to what factors of female genital pruritus, which is a lot of patients care Of the following questions, please experts to tell you about.
Causes of vulvar pruritus:
First, some female patients with sanitary napkins inappropriate way, when the patient's genital skin damage, it will lead to skin inflammation caused by genital itching; there is some female patients after taking some drugs allergy , Mainly in the genital skin at the junction, but also cause itching.
Second, the cause of vulvar pruritus, trichomonas fungal infection is also caused by itching, the patient's vulva, the vagina will appear itching, and sometimes when the bubble-like leucorrhea, often accompanied by a special smell, after scratching The same will appear vulvar dermatitis eczema changes; there is the infection of the virus, the general condyloma mostly occurs in the female vaginal wall, cervix and the genitals, and sometimes there will be with the stench of leucorrhea. If it is occurred in the genitals of the contagious soft warts on the performance of patients with central umbilical-like depression of the circular papules, can also cause the patient's genital itching. At this time the patient's genital herpes and more performance for the urethra and the vaginal wall appears grain size and bright blisters, the patient from time to time also accompanied by local itching.
Third, such as tinea corporis skin disease on the genital damage is very large, will cause the patient's itching, especially the genital eczema and neurotic dermatitis caused by local itching more intense, the patient must pay attention.
Vulvar pruritus is a common disease of women, so female friends to pay special attention to, should be more about the cause of the disease. Tips: The above is about the causes of genital pruritus, and now we have a certain understanding of its cause, the patient must be timely treatment to avoid delay the disease.


What is the cause of skin pruritus

Skin pruritus is a relatively high incidence of life in a disease, but many people think that this is not a serious disease, so ignore the dangers of the disease. In fact, the skin itching to the patients brought about by the harm is not small, the following for everyone to tell us about the causes of skin pruritus, hope to help you prevent the disease.
       Causes of pruritus mainly for the following reasons:
       First, is the digestive system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       Common liver and gallbladder diseases, including obstructive jaundice, hemolytic jaundice, due to blood and skin in the bile salt concentration, stimulate the nerve endings caused by systemic skin pruritus. Pregnant women due to endocrine disorders during pregnancy will lead to "pregnancy itching", because of pregnancy estrogen and progesterone increased, postpartum will automatically disappear.
       Second, the endocrine system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       "Hyperthyroidism" and "hypothyroidism" about one-fifth of patients with skin pruritus, but there are differences between the two, "hyperthyroidism" itching earlier, because "hyperthyroidism," the skin is more humid, so most of the summer heavier ; And "hypothyroidism" itching appears late, and the development of slow, more dry and rough skin, more easily induced winter itching. Diabetic patients due to elevated blood sugar, so that the body immunity and disease resistance decreased significantly, more susceptible to bacteria, viral infection induced skin pruritus.
       Third, is the genitourinary system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       Chronic nephritis patients, especially to the end (uremic period), because the blood uremic toxins and urea and other waste can not be excreted, and in the body a large number of retention, and with sweat excreted body surface, it caused systemic stubborn itching, itching endure. Middle-aged women often due to irregular menstruation, leucorrhea increased, vulvar unclean, ovarian lesions, or vaginal trichomoniasis and fungal infection caused by vulvar inflammation, often can occur genital itching.
       Above for everyone to elaborate on what causes the skin pruritus, the cause of skin pruritus friends should all know it Although skin pruritus on the patient's life will not cause a big threat, but suffering from the disease after life will have a huge impact, so get skin pruritus do not underestimate it, should be treated as soon as possible.

What is the cause of skin pruritus?

Everyone in life has had skin itching, of course, the reason for itching is different. Some people skin itching is only temporary, but some patients do long-term skin itching, in order to treat skin pruritus, first of all should be aware of the causes of illness. Here to tell you about what causes the occurrence of skin pruritus.
Skin pruritus can be confined to a certain part of the body, but also generalized body, the causes can be divided into internal and external factors, as described in detail below.
First, the cause of skin pruritus: mental problems such as neurasthenia can lead to systemic or limited local skin pruritus. Stomach, intestines and other internal organs of functional or organic disease, especially in diabetic patients, that often have generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia and malignant lymphoma patients with skin pruritus. Women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause female genital pruritus.
Second, the skin pruritus external causes: 1. Temperature changes often cause skin itching, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in climate. 2. Mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors of stimulation is also caused by skin pruritus one of the reasons. 3. By the disinfectant, insecticides and other stimuli can also cause local skin itching.
The above describes what causes the occurrence of skin pruritus, skin pruritus may be caused by a certain factor, it may be due to a disease induced. Therefore, the treatment of skin pruritus do not blindly take measures, should go to the hospital to diagnose the cause of the disease, and then for treatment.

What causes the disease of skin pruritus

Skin pruritus is a kind of skin disease that anyone may suffer from. The clinical symptoms of pruritus are mainly severe itching and severe nighttime, often affecting the patient's sleep and bringing the patient's work and life Great influence, so what is skin pruritus in the end it? The following for you to do a specific introduction.
What is skin pruritus? Skin pruritus so far there is no real research through, but most that with certain diseases, such as liver disease, kidney disease; and some skin pruritus is divided into generalized and limited, generalized refers to the initial onset of patients When itching only in a place, and then gradually extended to the body of the body, under normal circumstances the incidence of relatively heavy at night, due to scratching, there will be scratches pigmentation and moss-like changes in secondary damage. Limitations generally occur only in a certain part of the body, specifically divided into anal rash itching disease, scrotal pruritus, head pruritus and so on. What is the skin pruritus we also know the rough it, the following look at it under the attention of it
Skin pruritus patients can not eat too much spicy food can not drink, otherwise it will exacerbate the skin itching. Constantly scratching not only can make the skin thickening, but also increased the skin itching, it will form a vicious circle. In addition, the patient should not wash the affected area, it can only play a temporary role, there is no treatment effect.
The following diseases can also cause skin itching:
1, high concentration of cholic acid will be a lot of deposition in the skin, leading to severe skin itching.
2, blood calcium, phosphorus is too high will appear skin itching. If accompanied by dry skin, and there are frequent urination, urgency, low back pain or less urine, etc., is likely to be a problem with the kidney. Chronic nephritis patients due to blood uremic and protein derivatives increased, will lead to systemic skin itching.
3, endocrine disorders, such as thyroid hyperthyroidism patients, because the skin to accelerate the blood circulation caused by itchy skin, and sleep will be more serious; diabetic patients due to increased blood sugar susceptible to bacterial infection, it will lead to skin itching.
4, neurasthenia and cerebral arteriosclerosis patients are usually accompanied by paroxysmal itching; brain tumor patients in the nostrils caused by severe and persistent itching.
Above for everyone to introduce the cause of skin pruritus disease, because the type of skin pruritus are more, the type of patients are also different, but also often accompanied by some diseases, and now we also understand what is skin pruritus, so Found must be early to the treatment, otherwise the disease will be more serious. I wish the patient a quick recovery here.