
What is the symptom of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus is a kind of skin disease we often hear, hear the name of the disease, we can know that it will produce a kind of itching, but the specific itching appears where the degree is how, we are not know. What exactly is the symptom of skin pruritus in the end? The following experts to answer this question for everyone.
       Skin pruritus is a skin disease that feels itchy in the skin without the primary damage. Clinically can be divided into two types of systemic and local limitations, the latter most of which are confined to the anus and genitalia. The cause of skin itching is complex and diverse, the pathogenesis of the disease has not yet fully understood.
       The common cause of systemic skin itching is endocrine disorders and winter itching, the emergence of liver and kidney disease, the emergence of malignant tumors, as well as the spirit of the factors can also lead to itching, excessive cleaning of the skin leading to skin degreasing and drying Itching.
       What is the symptom of skin pruritus? One, there was a sharp itching: can be in the body or confined to the anus, scrotum or female genitals appear. Itching is a burst of appearances, itching sensation is intense, often intensified at night, the impact on the quality of sleep. Due to itching sensation, the patient often hand scratching.
       What is the symptom of skin pruritus? Second, there have been secondary skin lesions: the patient because of excessive scratches and scratches, blood stasis, time can occur eczema, moss-like changes and skin pigmentation occurred calm.
       Skin pruritus is a lot of suffering from a disease, the symptoms of skin pruritus is how the above has been introduced, and now we have a certain understanding of the bar. Skin pruritus on the patient's life will cause a lot of impact, will lead to the patient can not concentrate on the work or learning, so be sure to timely treatment.

