
What is the cause of skin pruritus?

With the people around the skin with pruritus more and more, also led to a lot of people are afraid of this disease. Suffering from the disease after the local or systemic itching it, so more and more people in order to prevent the disease are asking the cause of skin pruritus, the following experts to ask the hospital to introduce the next.
Skin pruritus is mainly divided into localized pruritus and systemic pruritus, the cause of skin pruritus are internal and external causes:
First, the limitations of pruritus: This is mainly due to pinworm, vaginal trichomoniasis, hemorrhoids fistula, Candida infection caused.
Second, systemic pruritus: systemic pruritus caused by systemic diseases such as diabetic nephropathy, etc., may also be due to dry skin or physical and chemical factors. Pruritus patients are generally conscious of the symptoms, the reasons are more complex, but mainly because of internal and external factors.
Skin pruritus internal cause:
1, like some visceral disease patients, especially in patients with diabetes, often occur in this systemic pruritus. Followed by some tumors such as leukemia, malignant lymphoma and other patients may also cause skin itching, so if you find these patients have to prevent these diseases, itching, after all, the cause of skin pruritus is the main.
2, nervous or mental disorders are also likely to suffer from the disease patients, neurasthenia can also cause pruritus. These patients often produce some kind of illusion, will think that their skin has insects bite.
3, endocrine disorders in some women in pregnancy often pruritus, but generally will disappear in the postpartum, if it is menstrual disorders may also cause female genital itching.
In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcoholism), food allergy and parasitic or fungal infections can cause systemic or localized itching.
Skin pruritus external causes:
1, external causes generally cause limitations of pruritus, the temperature changes on the impact of patients, so that patients are very sensitive to temperature, sudden heat or hand cold may cause pruritus attack.
2, followed by some mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors may also cause localized pruritus. In addition, insecticides and other stimuli may also cause disease.
The above content describes the cause of skin pruritus what. These are to be understood, as long as the understanding of the cause can be better to prevent, only to understand the disease in order to better care and treatment. This is the main prevention, if not careful suffering from skin pruritus must be treated in time not to delay.

