
What is the cause of skin pruritus

Skin pruritus is a relatively high incidence of life in a disease, but many people think that this is not a serious disease, so ignore the dangers of the disease. In fact, the skin itching to the patients brought about by the harm is not small, the following for everyone to tell us about the causes of skin pruritus, hope to help you prevent the disease.
       Causes of pruritus mainly for the following reasons:
       First, is the digestive system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       Common liver and gallbladder diseases, including obstructive jaundice, hemolytic jaundice, due to blood and skin in the bile salt concentration, stimulate the nerve endings caused by systemic skin pruritus. Pregnant women due to endocrine disorders during pregnancy will lead to "pregnancy itching", because of pregnancy estrogen and progesterone increased, postpartum will automatically disappear.
       Second, the endocrine system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       "Hyperthyroidism" and "hypothyroidism" about one-fifth of patients with skin pruritus, but there are differences between the two, "hyperthyroidism" itching earlier, because "hyperthyroidism," the skin is more humid, so most of the summer heavier ; And "hypothyroidism" itching appears late, and the development of slow, more dry and rough skin, more easily induced winter itching. Diabetic patients due to elevated blood sugar, so that the body immunity and disease resistance decreased significantly, more susceptible to bacteria, viral infection induced skin pruritus.
       Third, is the genitourinary system diseases caused by skin diseases:
       Chronic nephritis patients, especially to the end (uremic period), because the blood uremic toxins and urea and other waste can not be excreted, and in the body a large number of retention, and with sweat excreted body surface, it caused systemic stubborn itching, itching endure. Middle-aged women often due to irregular menstruation, leucorrhea increased, vulvar unclean, ovarian lesions, or vaginal trichomoniasis and fungal infection caused by vulvar inflammation, often can occur genital itching.
       Above for everyone to elaborate on what causes the skin pruritus, the cause of skin pruritus friends should all know it Although skin pruritus on the patient's life will not cause a big threat, but suffering from the disease after life will have a huge impact, so get skin pruritus do not underestimate it, should be treated as soon as possible.

