
The cause of pruritus

Knowing the cause of some diseases can help us to avoid those causes as much as possible, making it possible to stay as far as possible from these diseases. However, many people do not understand the cause of the disease, which lacks the power of disease control. So, we have to know some of the causes of pruritus. The following is the relevant introduction.
Itching is a kind of self-conspiracy that occurs in the skin and causes scratching. The cause of itching is complicated. The causative factors include internal or external factors, or both.
1. Internal causes of systemic pruritus
(1) visceral disease stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and other internal organs of functional or organic diseases, especially diabetes, uremia, liver disease patients, often with generalized itching; some tumors such as leukemia, Lymphosarcoma, Hodgkin's disease, mycosis fungoides, and malignant lymphoma in patients with skin itching.
(2) neuropsychiatric system disorders cerebral arteriosclerosis, spinal tuberculosis, neurasthenia can also occur systemic or limited local skin itching. Common in clinical neurosis patients have some illusion that the skin has insects and itchy, and some develop the habit of scratching.
(3) endocrine disorders Some women often have pruritus during pregnancy, usually in the postpartum disappearance, menstrual disorders or ovarian disease often cause female genital itching. Older skin itching may be associated with decreased levels of sex hormones in the body. Thyroid disease patients can have pruritus.
In addition to the above, lesions of infection, drugs, diet (alcoholism), food allergy and parasitic or fungal infections can cause systemic or localized itching.
2. External causes can cause generalized or limited localized itching. Changes in temperature often cause itching of the skin, winter pruritus and summer pruritus patients are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. Bedding is too hot, suddenly heat or cold may cause itching attack.
Mechanical friction or physical and chemical factors can stimulate the local cause of itching. For example, some people are sensitive to wool, some alkaline too strong soap, wearing chemical fiber wool and so on.
In addition disinfectants, pesticides, deodorants, dyes and other irritants can make local skin itching.
Through the above causes of pruritus, I believe many people in this area has a lot of experience. Understand and familiar with these causes, to remind people around in this regard to give the necessary attention, the only way to as much as possible to reduce the incidence of the disease. Thank you for reading the article Xiaobian, I hope this article can help you.

