
What are the typical symptoms of pruritus

The typical symptoms of skin pruritus are as follows:
(A) limitations of pruritus common in the anus, pussy, local only conscious itching, no rash, the course of time can cause skin thickening, eczema-like changes. Anal canal and anus around the stubborn itching is the main symptoms of the disease, the beginning is generally limited to the anus around the skin itching, mostly paroxysmal, the degree of severity of itching, such as long-term unhealed, and some can spread to the scrotum or The labia, especially in the perineum, before and after the interrupted itch more even more significant at night, sometimes as insects climb, ants go; sometimes mosquito bites, roast, people difficult to sleep, restless, unable to endure.
(B) systemic pruritus patients all over the body are itchy feeling, but not the body at the same time itchy, often moved from one place to another. The degree of itching is not the same, some people certainly feel itchy skin, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, need to use iron brush brush skin or hot water wash until the skin bleeding and feel pain and burning, Itchy mind temporarily reduced.

