
What are the symptoms of skin pruritus?

Skin pruritus is prone to disease in the elderly, the patient's skin area of ​​severe itching, and sometimes itching unbearable, a long time without treatment will be repeated attacks, is a long-term troubled patient life of a disease, to understand the skin pruritus Symptoms, early detection of disease, timely treatment is the key.
Skin pruritus symptoms can be divided into systemic and localized, specifically look at the details:
Systemic skin pruritus symptoms: systemic skin pruritus patients all over the body itchy feeling, itchy often from one place to another, but not the body while itching. The degree of itching the patient is not the same, some symptoms of light, although itchy, but still can endure, and some patients feel itchy body, brush with a brush or hot water hot skin until the skin bleeding pain and burning, Itchy mind temporarily reduced.
Limitations of skin pruritus symptoms: common in the anus, genitals and other local only conscious itching symptoms, no rash appears, the course of time can lead to skin thickening, eczema-like changes.
Anal canal and anus around the stubborn itching is the main symptoms of the disease, the beginning of the general limited to the anus around the skin pruritus, mostly paroxysmal, the degree of severity of itching, if long-term cure, can spread to the scrotum Or labia, even more significant at night, such as insect climb, mosquito bites, people can not stand.
Skin pruritus symptoms are more obvious, but many people are not very understanding of these symptoms. Above has been introduced to the symptoms of skin pruritus, we all know it Suffering from skin pruritus, at night will also seriously affect the patient sleep, so for health as soon as possible treatment.

