
What is the cause of vulvar pruritus?

Female genital itching is a common disease, female genital is an important part of the female body, but also relatively fragile and sensitive parts, it is easy to cause infection, then lead to what factors of female genital pruritus, which is a lot of patients care Of the following questions, please experts to tell you about.
Causes of vulvar pruritus:
First, some female patients with sanitary napkins inappropriate way, when the patient's genital skin damage, it will lead to skin inflammation caused by genital itching; there is some female patients after taking some drugs allergy , Mainly in the genital skin at the junction, but also cause itching.
Second, the cause of vulvar pruritus, trichomonas fungal infection is also caused by itching, the patient's vulva, the vagina will appear itching, and sometimes when the bubble-like leucorrhea, often accompanied by a special smell, after scratching The same will appear vulvar dermatitis eczema changes; there is the infection of the virus, the general condyloma mostly occurs in the female vaginal wall, cervix and the genitals, and sometimes there will be with the stench of leucorrhea. If it is occurred in the genitals of the contagious soft warts on the performance of patients with central umbilical-like depression of the circular papules, can also cause the patient's genital itching. At this time the patient's genital herpes and more performance for the urethra and the vaginal wall appears grain size and bright blisters, the patient from time to time also accompanied by local itching.
Third, such as tinea corporis skin disease on the genital damage is very large, will cause the patient's itching, especially the genital eczema and neurotic dermatitis caused by local itching more intense, the patient must pay attention.
Vulvar pruritus is a common disease of women, so female friends to pay special attention to, should be more about the cause of the disease. Tips: The above is about the causes of genital pruritus, and now we have a certain understanding of its cause, the patient must be timely treatment to avoid delay the disease.

