
What causes the disease of skin pruritus

Skin pruritus is a kind of skin disease that anyone may suffer from. The clinical symptoms of pruritus are mainly severe itching and severe nighttime, often affecting the patient's sleep and bringing the patient's work and life Great influence, so what is skin pruritus in the end it? The following for you to do a specific introduction.
What is skin pruritus? Skin pruritus so far there is no real research through, but most that with certain diseases, such as liver disease, kidney disease; and some skin pruritus is divided into generalized and limited, generalized refers to the initial onset of patients When itching only in a place, and then gradually extended to the body of the body, under normal circumstances the incidence of relatively heavy at night, due to scratching, there will be scratches pigmentation and moss-like changes in secondary damage. Limitations generally occur only in a certain part of the body, specifically divided into anal rash itching disease, scrotal pruritus, head pruritus and so on. What is the skin pruritus we also know the rough it, the following look at it under the attention of it
Skin pruritus patients can not eat too much spicy food can not drink, otherwise it will exacerbate the skin itching. Constantly scratching not only can make the skin thickening, but also increased the skin itching, it will form a vicious circle. In addition, the patient should not wash the affected area, it can only play a temporary role, there is no treatment effect.
The following diseases can also cause skin itching:
1, high concentration of cholic acid will be a lot of deposition in the skin, leading to severe skin itching.
2, blood calcium, phosphorus is too high will appear skin itching. If accompanied by dry skin, and there are frequent urination, urgency, low back pain or less urine, etc., is likely to be a problem with the kidney. Chronic nephritis patients due to blood uremic and protein derivatives increased, will lead to systemic skin itching.
3, endocrine disorders, such as thyroid hyperthyroidism patients, because the skin to accelerate the blood circulation caused by itchy skin, and sleep will be more serious; diabetic patients due to increased blood sugar susceptible to bacterial infection, it will lead to skin itching.
4, neurasthenia and cerebral arteriosclerosis patients are usually accompanied by paroxysmal itching; brain tumor patients in the nostrils caused by severe and persistent itching.
Above for everyone to introduce the cause of skin pruritus disease, because the type of skin pruritus are more, the type of patients are also different, but also often accompanied by some diseases, and now we also understand what is skin pruritus, so Found must be early to the treatment, otherwise the disease will be more serious. I wish the patient a quick recovery here.

